"Do you all... Remember?"

Gu jiuci can not believe looking at Huo Mingche, and at this time, Huo Mingche full of smile, in the crowd's noise, gently kiss her forehead.

In a trance, Gu jiuci heard his deep magnetic voice ringing in his ears.

"I knew that you would come to save me like you did when you were a child."

At this moment, Gu jiuci's tears burst again.

She finally made sure that her demon king remembered all of them. He had absolute trust in her and dared to take Lin Shujing's amnesia drug!

What if she continues to mess? What if she doesn't wake up?

Her brother Che, why are you so stupid!

"No crying."

The man gently wiped the tears from her eyes and held her hand tightly.

"Xiaojiu'er, I love you, and I want all the people to wish and the world to know."

Gu jiuci looked at him in a daze. Under the guidance of his vision, he turned his head and looked at the past. Thousands of people applauded and blessed them with smiles. Countless media cameras broadcast the proposal live. This happy moment.

He thought of everything last night, and today, he wants to make up the best proposal for her.

Finally, everything is perfect, just a sweet wedding.

After the grand proposal, the big devil can't wait to marry her home.

On the same day, Huo's and Gu's immediately announced the news of their marriage. The marriage of the four families immediately shocked the whole country of China and even the world.

Huo Mingche's proposal scene and video immediately spread throughout the network, from China to the Internet.

In an old castle in the United States,

the huge TV in the living room is broadcasting the moment of Huo Mingche's proposal.

a three-year-old girl is sitting in front of the sofa, staring at Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche in the picture with hatred. The next second, the video of the proposal jumps, and instantly turns into the moment when Lin Shujing is killed in the sea.

From the picture of happiness to the extreme tragedy...

in the dark corner opposite the little girl, a man sat on the sofa and could not see his face clearly.

The man raised his hand, and the servant standing by the TV immediately played the picture again. This action has been repeated ten times today.

"Xiaoluo, you must firmly remember that these two people are the killers of your mother. They are now enjoying a marriage blessed by all, while your mother died in the cold sea, and there was no chance for you to collect the corpse.

You have become an orphan without father and mother because they have given you! Your mother and uncle are best friends, and your uncle will do everything you can to help you

As for the last sentence, the man's voice gradually bewitched Hu, while the little girl's face was gloomy, and her innocent eyes were colored with darkness and anger.

But the childish voice said the most terrible words in the world.

"I want revenge! I want them all to die, I'm going to crush them to feed the fish! I want them to taste the pain

And the man is proud of the corner of his mouth.

"Very good, as long as it is what Xiaoluo wants, my uncle will help you get it."

When the man's voice dropped, the door of the living room opened immediately, and four people with different styles came in from the outside. An enchanting and blinding woman, a cold man who dare not look at his face, an old man with no facial expression and no distinction between men and women, and a young man with abnormal expression.

The man slightly raised the scepter in his hand and said triumphantly.

"From today on, the four of them will be your teachers."

"Little sister, I will let you learn how to let the men all over the world bow down under your skirt!"

Enchanting woman is the first to speak.

The old man next to him followed the introduction.

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