"OK, please have a rest. Next, let's invite the support groups of the bride and groom to bring you a wonderful performance."

Doctor Yideng guest host cue process, the light is dark, the bridegroom and the bride want to go backstage to change a light clothes, Gu jiuci is going to pick up the skirt on her own, but the devil just picked up her Princess.

"I will."

Gu jiuci's heart is warm, his hands subconsciously hook around the big devil's neck, his face buried in his chest, by him to lead.

Two bridesmaids, you look at me, I look at you, one after another showed a "sour" expression.

Dr. yiden also stepped off the stage and walked down the aisle to a certain landing in the stands. The audience's eyes were focused on the performances of Lu Xingyi and others on the stage, and no one noticed at all.

At the edge of the humble stands, yiden seems neurotic, talking to the air.

"Gu jiuci finally got married with Huo Mingche. Can you two old guys rest assured this time?"

The object of his conversation is no one else. It is the couple of foxes that Gu jiuci saw, almost transparent.

They are also the husband and wife of the fox emperor.

"Ah Ci's business depends on the real man of Cihang. We are very grateful to you! We owe you one. "

The young fox emperor and his wife sincerely thank Yi Deng. In the world, if anyone can get a favor from the fox emperor, it is the envy of thousands of immortals.

Now, the old man of Cihang town and Yuelao in the clouds, now Dr. Yideng's expression is very calm, and even... There is a trace of unhappiness.

"So what are your next plans, the gods?"

"Alas... I can't imagine that in only 20000 years, so many changes have taken place between heaven and earth. It's better to be an immortal than to be a person."

Gu Qingyuan and Su Yunchao looked at each other and saw a tacit understanding in each other's eyes, but Yi Deng's face sank.

Once upon a time, God was high above the world, as if he were the master of all things in the world. He had enjoyed the supreme glory and endless preferential treatment for hundreds of millions of years.

However, over the past 100 years, the immortals have finally discovered a cruel fact that they are not the masters of all things in the world. They just rely on the nourishment of the world's myriad things and treasures, so they think they can live together with heaven.

When human beings open mountains to collect rocks, go down to the sea to catch turtles, they are constantly harvesting natural resources at a crazy speed. They can even leap over the clouds for thousands of miles and stand side by side with them!

One day, the immortals suddenly found that the aura they relied on for survival was drying up at a terrible speed. These auras are in the mountains and rivers, the essence of the sun and the moon, and they never think that the speed of human's natural resources is faster than that of the immortals.

In the following time, some immortals with shallow power gradually withered away. Some immortals can't stand this dilemma. Some of them, like Yi Deng, disguise human beings in the human world, while others simply jump off the altar of killing, take off their immortal bones and fall into mortals.

It's better to have a wonderful life in the world than to wait for death in the divine world.

"It's just that we still don't trust Xiao jiu'er. How's the old son of God Emperor

Su Yunchao sighs a little, then looks at Yi Deng and asks.

"Well, that guy doesn't have any skills, so he can only be a security guard in the zoo. In the face of those rare animals who are born to fear him, he can still find a trace of his former prestige! As for the goddess mother of yaochi, she has already jumped the altar of killing last year. Before leaving, she asked me to repent to your husband and wife. "

At this point, Dr. Eden sneered.

"Don't worry, Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche both gave up their immortal bones to dissipate their spiritual power for hundreds of millions of years in the last World War. They did not owe anything to the divine world for a long time! Now they are completely fleshy, and the divine world can no longer pursue anything. "

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