"I lost my way by accident, or was I attracted by my roast chicken? The fox likes chicken best. You can't fool me! "

A lamp subconsciously hides the roasted chicken behind his back, unconcerned to expose Gu jiuci's lies.

Gu jiuci looked embarrassed. After thinking about it, he took out all kinds of things from his schoolbag, including preserved fruits of Su Xinglin, mellow wine made by Niang with thousand year old peach blossom, and fruit from the thousand year old spirit tree of Sushan.

"Can I exchange these with the fairy

Gu jiuci cautiously opened his mouth and asked, for fear that the fairy could not see her things.

However, as soon as she took these things out, her eyes widened with surprise and looked at Gu jiuci meaningfully.

The identity of this fairy is not as simple as he said!

Gu jiuci didn't know that these things were extremely valuable even in the eyes of the gods. Especially, Su's peach blossom wine was as good as the flat peaches of the queen mother of yaochi!

Yideng is a wine pot. For this peach blossom wine, I went to Yousu mountain and lived there for a month. Only then did I get two small bottles!

He greedily looked at the big bottle of peach blossom wine in front of him. For this peach blossom wine, he decided not to expose the child!

"Then use your peach blossom wine in exchange for me."

"Really? That would be great. I want that drumstick

Gu jiuci immediately pushed all the things in front of the fairy. The one on the road poured wine for the fairy, and at once he tore a chicken leg for him.

Old and young push cup for cup, talk very happy. The two people have been chatting from jiuchongtian to the human world. Speaking of the world, their views are surprisingly consistent, and they drink three bowls happily.

"Granddad Yideng, why don't you wear white clothes like other fairies?"

"That's because I am old in the clouds. I specialize in the marriage of Six Harmonies and eight wastelands. Of course, I have to wear a little more festive!"

A light drunk eyes loose explanation, cold not Ding took Gu jiuci's hand, an instant eyebrow a pick.

"Well? It turned out to be a girl doll! Or a red Luan star moving girl! Ha ha ha

Gu jiuci is slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, a lamp fairy instantly guesses that she is a woman! Fortunately, he changed his clothes and didn't reveal his identity. He must have sobered up and didn't remember who he was?

"What do you mean by hongluan star movement?"

She quickly diverted the subject.

"Hongluan Xingdong means that you will have someone you like right now. Marry him and have children. No, you will have a lot of foxes? Not really. What if it wasn't a fox? "

Holding the wine jar in his arms, Yideng began to talk nonsense. He felt a red line out of his arms and put it on Gu jiuci's wrist drunk.

"I've seen too much about the joys and sorrows of the world. Today I have a fate with my little friend. I'll give you this red thread. When it comes to whom you like, just tie the red line to his hand, and then he will be your man! How easy it is! Burp

A lamp made a burp, drunk blush, then holding the wine jar deep sleep in the past.

Gu jiuci raised his wrist, staring at the red line above, thinking.

"Aung also said that love doesn't have to be so complicated. If I like a man, I just knock out and bring back Sushan... Hongluan star moves?"

As she spoke, Huo Mingche's face appeared in her mind... She did not move, but a strange emotion suddenly came to her mind...

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