The young man's voice was very cold. Every time he said a word, the whole body was under a new layer of pressure, which made the whole hall's immortals breathless. Speaking of the last sentence, he has come to Lin Shujing, looking at her from above, murderous gas boiling!

Lin Shujing was scared to the whole body, and she was quick to devise a plan. She could not recognize the attack on Gu jiuci. She was not guilty of killing a Xian'e, but killing the descendants of the ancient Shenzu was a violation of the law of heaven. Even if the God Emperor let her off, Su SHANGXIA would not forgive her.

She immediately aggrieved raised her head, full of tears staring at Huo Mingche.

"Brother Achel, even if you are happy with Gu jiuci, you can't frame me. Why are you so cruel to me?"

"Cruel?! I hurt my little jiuer that day. Can I feel half regret in my heart

Huo Mingche's face was very cold. At the moment, he tried to restrain his anger.

Those who bully xiaojiu'er have to pay the price of bleeding. If the gods were not all present today, he would send out a magic sword on the spot and cut her off!

"On that day, it was Gu jiuci who accidentally released Bifang. It was I who spared no effort to save her. Up to now, my spiritual power has been greatly damaged and has not been recovered!"

Lin Shujing cried so heartrending that all the gods on the scene believed it. Seeing the effect, Lin Shujing continued to tell lies.

"Can I untie the seal with a single Xuanyuan compass? My magic power is low. I'm afraid it won't work out, right? But Gu jiuci is the son of prophecy. Her spiritual power and your mother's magic weapon can be promoted at the same time. Is it easier than me to unseal Bifang? "

She suddenly said this, and the gods looked at Gu jiuci.

Wang Mulin Jiang breathed a sigh of relief and was glad that Lin Shujing still had a brain at this time. She immediately stares at Gu jiuci and shouts.

"Dare to read nine words! You deliberately hide your identity, and then let Bi Fang do evil. You violate the laws of heaven, and do not kneel down to confess your guilt! "

Gu jiuci, the focus of the public, just disdained to hook up the corner of his mouth and sneered.

"It seems that the queen mother did not see the coffin and did not shed tears. Did you forget where the special product of the shadow stone was?"

Her voice dropped, and the faces of Lin Shujing and the queen mother turned white at the same time.

Gu jiuci didn't even bother to look at them. As he spoke, he took out a shadow stone from his bag.

"We have Su's volcano, which is rich in shadow stones. I have not only Taiyi jade bracelets, but also heaven and earth bags. I often carry such a good specialty. If you play well with me, I will give him some.

Just that day, I went to the world to kill demons. In case, I took it with me

In fact, she was afraid that Mo yuan couldn't see her mischievous with her own eyes, so she specially recorded it and died of anger.

Unexpectedly, he recorded the scene of the end of the war that day.

Gu jiuci found the shadow stone and threw her into the air. How did Lin Shujing plot against her that day and how she was half killed by Bi Fang? How did Gu jiuci bravely lift the whole lake and knock down Bifang.

All kinds of pictures were played back in front of the gods, and the impression of Lin Shujing was completely clarified and reversed once again.

"Oh! It is ridiculous that such a narrow-minded person can be called a god

"So cruel and cruel, not to mention not worthy of your highness, is even worse than the devil in the demon world!"

Some fairies even angrily criticized him on the spot. Gu Qingyuan sneered and questioned the God Emperor lightly.

"Jiuxiao, is this the result of your governance of jiuchongtian for many years? Is this the result of your investigation? How can the Six Harmonies and eight wastelands convince you when you are so ridiculous and confused to cover up relatives

Gu Qingyuan's question, immediately poked in jiuxiao's death, he most taboo others question him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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