
the attention of the gods was immediately attracted by the thunder.

"This... This is..."

"this is the oath of the heart of the road!"

Su Yunchao's face was slightly stunned and then looked at the young man in the hall.

Daoxin oath is the most severe oath in the world. If the swearing person breaks the oath, don't say that he can't fly to God, and even will be on the spot.

"Che'er! What are you going to do? "

God Emperor jiuxiao's face immediately collapsed, shouting at Huo Mingche.

The spirit of this oath is so powerful that even if he is the God Emperor, he can't stop the oath.

At the moment, all the people and things around him turned into a blank. He reached out to the sky.

"I, Huo Mingche, swear to heaven today that I will only love Gu jiuci for generations to come. If I disobey this oath, it will vanish in smoke."

"Brother Che!"

At this moment, Gu jiuci's heart seemed to be hard pressed by something. The young man spoke quickly. She didn't even have time to stop him. He had already finished all his words.

"Why are you so stupid?"

Gu jiuci stamped his feet in a hurry. Even if he didn't love her, she also hoped that his life would be safe and smooth!

"Because of this oath, there will be no day to break it."

Young eyes appear gentle, gently reaching out to tidy up the girl's ear temples of the hair.

He didn't know that the God Emperor hesitated today, and his marriage was just a chip in his mind for the sake of not being a clan's self-interest.

But he never wanted to be anyone's chip. He wanted him to marry another woman. Dream!

"Huo Mingche! You... What are you doing? "

The God Emperor suddenly fell on the Dragon chair. He weighed countless things in his life, but he never weighed the determination of young people. Wang Mu Lin Jiang was stunned to see this.

She tried all her tricks, but she could not resist the innocence and courage of love.

The thunder gradually disappeared, the hall was quiet again, but the atmosphere was still so dignified.

A lamp God holding peach blossom wine pot, is really some can not see down.

"It's a good heart oath. I think you two are a pair of Six Harmonies and eight wastelands. No one can separate them."

The old man in the clouds specializes in the marriage of six in eight deserts. What he said has always been very accurate.

Gu jiuci smiles and blinks at a lamp God.

"Thank you, fairy. I'll bring you ten thousand jars of peach blossom wine. I'll make sure you drink enough!"

"Hey, hey, you little girl is beautiful and sweet. I will tie you and Huo Mingche with red thread! You will never be separated ~ "

Yideng had drunk a lot of peach blossom wine, and her eyes were confused. She said in a drunken voice, but her face was crooked.

"Yuelao! Are you confused? What a perfect match! It's just a fox in the valley, but it's not a god

Gu Qingyuan was so cruel just now, so Lin Jiang was not polite at all.

"So if I fly up to God, you have no reason to stop us?"

Gu jiuci coldly interrupts the Queen Mother's words and says with a serious face.

"This palace..."

the queen mother wanted to say something more, but when the words came to her mouth, she changed her mind.

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