"I know, Dad, you should have a rest earlier. The girl in Tianxiang building is still waiting for me."

"You're going out again!"

Gu Xiang deliberately raised his voice, broke out and swore. Gu jiuci squeezed his eyes towards his father and turned out.

In fact, over the years, her camouflage is not completely useless, at least this GouLan tile house is a perfect place to hide people's eyes. Other people think that Gu Xiang's son is romantic and can't be a great success.

However, in the past five years, she has built Tianji tower, the third largest spy site in the world.

No one knows who is behind the Tianji building. The people in the Jianghu only know that it rises overnight. No one knows the real location of Tianji building. However, those in distress can seek refuge from Tianji building as long as they have what they want.

It is night, Gu jiuci sleeps in the room of Huakui in Tianxiang Pavilion, repeatedly having nightmares.

After a while, Princess Muye turned into a big fox and swallowed her up. After a while, Huo Mingche exposed her daughter in public. The emperor was very angry, and all the officials threw cabbage on her.

Until the east of the fish belly white, she was difficult and stable sleep, and Huo Mingche can return to Zhennan palace.

Old Tai Jun got up early and waited for him. When he came back, he was busy ordering people to change clothes for him.

"Eat first, and then go to sleep."

"Well, granny, go to sleep."

Huo Mingche's eyes in a trace of intolerance, obediently sat down to eat.

"I'm old and I don't feel much. It's you. You're 25 years old and you don't have a daughter-in-law. When I'm dead, who else will watch you come back and let you have a bite of hot rice? "

The old Taijun mentioned this, but he was not happy to talk about it.

"Last spring hunting, did not that girl like you? My grandson is the son of the royal family. He will be the only prince of the opposite sex in Xiliang. How can these aristocratic families have no vision? "

Huo Mingche just drank a mouthful of soup, heard this, the movement on the hand slightly a meal.

"Granny, didn't I have an engagement?"

The old prince was slightly stunned and thought of the past with difficulty.

"That's a joke your father and Gu Xiang played after they were drunk several decades ago. They said that they would marry you if they had a daughter. But now the Gu family is also a boy, that boy....

even the old Taijun who lives in seclusion has heard of Gu jiuci.

"Hold the heart of Chang'an girl in your hand. He will not worry about getting a daughter-in-law. You've become a big problem. Tell me... When will you find me a granddaughter-in-law?"


Huo Mingche drooped his eyes and hid his smile. He replied meaningfully.

The next day, the emperor of Chu held a grand canonization ceremony for the Muye princess. She was second only to the crown prince's natural mother queen and the third prince's deceased mother, huangguifei.

During the canonization ceremony, Gu jiuci stood closer to him. He carefully recorded the appearance of the Muye princess in his heart. When he went back, he drew it and gave it to Tianji pavilion to inquire.

One thing was not settled, and the other was still pressing on her mind.

Think about it, or to face bravely, this day off mu, Gu jiuci specially carrying gifts and name, personally visit Zhennan Wangfu.

"It turns out that Gu Tanhua, who is famous in Chang'an, has lost his welcome."

Did not expect to meet her, unexpectedly is Huo Mingche's grandmother, Gu jiuci immediately obedient salute.

"How dare you make a mistake in front of the old princess, I was not born when you galloped on the battlefield. Please have a seat

Then she quickly helped the old princess to sit down and bring up the business.

"Isn't the son of heaven here today?"

"Oh, what a coincidence, he...

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