"ADI, the student union has something to do, so I'll go first."

Xu yun'er hurriedly found an excuse and left. Gu jiuci was also too lazy to answer.

At this time, the auditorium was full of students, and the girls around began to chatter.

"It's said that many heavyweight alumni will come this time."

the first schoolmate in Beijing won't care about my face.

"You say Huo Mingche, President of Huo's richest man in imperial capital? He's such a busy man. Even if he doesn't have time for international magazine interviews, how can he come to high school celebration? "

"Can't you look forward to it? It's not a crime to daydream. I've got two mobile phones ready for video. Maybe, we can make a chance encounter...

the girls who are crazy about flowers are more dreamy.

"Forget it. I heard that Huo Mingche has never had any intimate contact with a girl. Even his assistant secretaries are all male. Everyone says..."

at this time, the girl who spoke lowered her voice. Gu jiuci could not help but be curious and leaned over to listen.

"Everybody says he has misogyny!"


Girls circle immediately issued a exclamation, a face showing or shock or regret expression.

Fart, he clearly pursued her for two lives, but also used his own drinking water cup! Where there is anorexia!

Gu jiuci sits up straight with no interest. She looks up and looks over the front row of VIP seats. There are a row of name cards on it, but there is no name of Huo Mingche.

"It seems that he will not come today."

Gu jiuci eyebrow corner slightly droops a mumble, even she has not discovered, her tone in the loss.

"Next, I announce that the celebration ceremony of s noble high school and X noble high school will officially begin!"

At this time, the voice of the host came from the stage, and the head teacher of each class indicated that the students should be quiet.

Those excellent star alumni have been seated, students have stretched their necks to see, from the first to the last, there is no Huo Mingche's figure.

Gu jiuci sighed unconsciously.

The school celebration ceremony can not do without the speeches of the leaders. After a long speech by the principals of both sides, they secretly diss each other, and then the outstanding student representatives speak PK.

"Now let's welcome Shen Jianxing, an outstanding student of X noble high school, to speak on the stage!"

As soon as the host's voice dropped, a handsome boy in X noble high school uniform stepped onto the stage slowly. The temperament that stood out in the star's fresh meat immediately made the students of s noble high school cry out.

"My God! This student representative is so handsome

"I heard that people are the first in the whole school. They are perfect and have no shortcomings."

"It's over. Who is our spokesman? Will not be represented by the students of X noble high school? "

Students exclaimed, and began to worry about their own school.

At this time, Shen Jianxing started his impassioned speech and talked freely without any manuscript. The students, including excellent alumni, showed their approval on their faces.

After his speech, the girls from X noble high school immediately gave a big round of warm applause. The scene was like a star meeting.

S noble high school students suddenly worried.

"It's really amazing. Who are our student representatives?"

"I heard it was Gu jiuci who went through the back door?"

"That's over. Although she has learned how to counterattack, she has never seen a big scene. She must have stage fright?"

"Oh, no, we're going to lose this round."

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