"Be careful!"

Xia Cha instinctively stretched out her hands and hugged Gu Qijue's waist. Though she was separated from her clothes, she clearly felt Gu Qijue's temperature. In the dark environment, she suddenly became hot.

It's strange whether the air conditioner here is on or not.

Gu Qijue also felt very hot. At this sudden moment, he happened to feel the shape of summer tea. His whole face became an embarrassing word, which made him petrified on the spot. He didn't know what to do.

"In front of you, can't you walk?"

Until the lovers behind him urged him, he was in a hurry to take advantage of the strength of summer tea, to stabilize himself and continue to go forward, and finally found a seat to sit down.

"Well, thank you www.biqugex.info ]... "

in the dark, Gu Qijue stares at the screen and says incoherently.

"It's OK. It's easy."

Summer tea's brain was also burned in a mess, he did not know what he was saying.

The atmosphere was extremely embarrassing, and fortunately at this time, the film just started.

Two people try to move aside, trying to ignore the distance between them is almost zero.

Gradually, the plot of the film attracted two people, once in the game years, those bits and pieces, were all awakened by this film.

Xia Cha's attention is focused on the film, and so is Gu Qijue.

Unconsciously, they forget to be in the cinema, and gradually get together...

at the end of the story, the front row and the back row are filled with choking sound. Most of them are old teenagers and young girls who have already participated in the work. Lol and youth have been buried far away...

in the last scene, the son of the demon king follows the river Flowing away, just like their past, at this moment, Xia Cha's mind has a memory of a period, like playing a movie, from the first encounter with Gu Qijue to their winning the championship.

"Long live demacia!"

I don't know who roared in the dark, and then more people should get together and who was the first to initiate it. We all spontaneously held hands. When it was the turn of summer tea, she hesitated. Then Gu Qijue seized her hand without hesitation, and then clasped her fingers tightly.

The temperature generated by the collision of fingertips, like electric current, instantly travels all over the body with bursts of crispy ma. Xia Cha stands stiffly in place and widens her eyes. Is this the hand in hand with someone you like?

"Tea sister!"

At this time, the lights of the studio suddenly lit up, and Gu Qijue suddenly called out to her. Xia Cha subconsciously looked at him.

The young man's face in the soft light, as if plated with the layer of brilliance in the cartoon, at the moment, all the background has gone into a blank, leaving only Gu Qijue's gentle voice.

"Let's go to the local university and play games together."

Gu Qijue's courage was hard to summon up. When he said "together", he was depressed again. He added the last three words in a hurry. There was silence for several seconds. Xia Cha just stared at him. Gu Qijue could not help but clench his hand and became more nervous.

At the moment of summer tea, she can only hear the sound of her heart beating wildly, she clearly knows... She can't escape, no longer can't escape.


She heard herself speak softly and agreed to Gu Qijue's words, but at the same time, Gu Qijue let go of her hand. The noisy cinema made him miss the words of summer tea.

"Well, let's go out. Everybody's gone."

He awkwardly scratched his head and turned around quickly. Xia Cha didn't even have a chance to explain.

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