"Good ~"

Ah Jiao immediately burst into a happy smile and put out her hand foolishly. In fact, she was not hurt much, just a little skin was just scratched.

She leans on the sofa, watching Gu Qian carefully help him clean his wounds, and looks at the man who is absolutely careful in any work. The whole person is fascinated by him.

"Brother ah Qian, the crown you gave me is very valuable, isn't it?"

Jiao carefully asked her most wanted to ask the question.

Gu Qian answered without raising his head.

"The Li family is a strategic partner, and you are also a good friend of ABI. This gift is suitable for both public and private use."

His indifferent tone suddenly pierced the pink bubble that Gillian thought. The smile just blooming on Gillian's face was so stiff in the corner of her mouth that she continued to ask.

"But the auction place of that gateway is obviously far away from the city where you are on business. You..."

GU Qian looked up at her.

"Gu still has some business in Paris. I have staff there."

He just wanted to let her die at 365 degrees.

"I'm hurt, can't you say something that makes me happy?"

Ah Jiao flattened her mouth and looked at him pitifully. However, Gu Qian didn't seem to see her sadness. He opened the medicine box and put the cotton swab back.

Aojiao bowed her head sadly. She was so naive that he could not get any response from Gu Qian...

"which one do you want?"

All of a sudden, a helpless voice rang out. Jiao looked up at Gu Qian.


"Which one?"

Gu Qian repeated without any tone.

Gillian looked at the medicine box with his eyes. There were five or six bandages with different patterns in one line. It turned out that she was asking him what kind of band aid he wanted.

It turns out that he is not so cold and heartless, at least in this way, quietly comfort her.

Her mood turned cloudy again, pointing to a band aid in the shape of love.

"I want this ~"

"post it yourself."

A Jiao who was still very happy one second, her expression solidified in the second.

"Ah Jiao! Are you all right? "

Just at this time, Sister Li Wan'er opened the door with a worried face.

Gu Qian raised his eyes to see, while taking advantage of Ajiao's inattention, he got up neatly.

"Miss Li, take good care of your sister. I'll leave first."

Saying that he was about to leave, Ah Jiao was immediately flustered. At that moment, she suddenly felt that if she just let Gu Qian go, maybe there would be no future between them.

"No, brother ah Qian! I'm still afraid. You can send me back! "

In a hurry, she threw her arms around Gu Qian's thigh and cried out after learning the plot of a certain idol drama hostess.

Gu Qian's face was stiff, and all the people's expressions became meaningful in this moment.

"Your house, isn't it?"

The man bowed his head, the clear quiet eyes, but saw her through.

His words let Gillian's brain instantly Weng for a moment.

It's over. How can she go back?!!

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