
Ziwei scratched her scalp in a tangled way. What kind of wording would not make Ah Jiao too sad?

"Well, in fact, we boss don't want you to misunderstand too much about gifts. They are purely business gifts. And today to help you, boss said, today to other people, he will also help

Each sentence is directly like a knife, accurately stabbed in a Jiao's heart.

"Ah... So he didn't hate me, but he hated me very much...

Ah Jiao pulled out a bitter smile.

It's a ridiculous way to get rid of her.

"Do you think that in his eyes, I am more troublesome than other women, just a gum that can't be thrown off?"

Jiao looked at Ziwei, tears fell silent.


Zi Wei in Gu Qian's heart silently Tucao, once again, make complaints about this girl's heart.

"Miss Li, the problem is not with you, but with our boss."

Jiao's face was stunned and she looked at Ziwei.

"What do you mean by that?"

Ziwei scratched his head a little crazily.

"It's a big secret, and I shouldn't have disclosed it to anyone outside my family. Boss he said that he would never marry and have children in his life. As for the reasons behind it, I am not sure.

In short, you just need to know that it's not your fault. Our boss is not as good as the rumor has it. You should not waste time on him. "

Ziwei walked around a big circle, and finally finished his words. Seeing that Jiao didn't cry, he took a long sigh of relief.

However, the bigger problem came, Ah Jiao was not convinced by his words, but more aggressive!

"That is to say, he didn't like me, but he had to suffer, right? As you say, I can't give up any more! "

Ziwei covered his face with a headache.

"How on earth did you come to this astonishing conclusion?"

"Don't worry, I will never let brother ah Qian know about your informer. As for why he refused to get married, I will check it myself! Thank you for taking me back tonight, zivico

Ajiao a second back to that full of vitality Ajiao, laughing chongziwei said.

Ziwei thought that there was some trouble, but when he saw Gillian's tenacity like a grass that couldn't be blown, he suddenly had a trace of appreciation in his heart.

If Ajiao can really catch up with boss, it will be a good thing ~

"you're welcome, Miss Ajiao won't be so sad."

"Well, I will not give up easily!"

Ah Jiao repeated in a low voice and leaned against the seat and closed her eyes.

She wants to find a good way to get closer to Gu Qian...

Gu's top president's office,

the huge office only has a light on. Gu Qian sits at the desk and stares at the computer in front of her, but now, he can't read a word.

The door creaked and pushed open from outside. Ziwei strode in to report.

"Boss, according to your instructions, I have safely delivered Miss Li to the hotel."

"Did she... Cry?"

After a few seconds, the man could not help but frown.

Ziwei's expression of "I knew it" was on his face, and then he said with exaggerated expression...

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