"Miss Ajiao, I went up with boss first. Please call me if you have something to do."

"Well, thank you."

A Jiao politely thanks, and then closed the door, a lunge jump to the soft soft big bed, issued a Dong.

Ziwei, who was not far away from the door, was startled and shook his head. This time he took out his mobile phone and went to the corner to make a call.

"Hello, miss a CI, I found that there seems to be something wrong between boss and miss Ajiao recently..."

"if there is something wrong, it will be right ~"

on the other side of the phone, Gu jiuci's smile is meaningful, and Ziwei hasn't responded.

"What do you mean? I don't quite understand. Last time miss Ajiao told boss that she didn't like him any more, and I also saw that she had a hot fight with Du's boy."

"Don't guess women's minds. By the way, what are you doing now?"

Gu jiuci confuses the past and quickly changes the topic. Ziwei's performance is not stable, so he can't be drawn into the assists League for the time being.

"Oh, isn't this the beginning of the project, we're celebrating on holiday at the moment."

"Well, Ziwei, listen. From now on, my brother's happiness is in your hands. You need to create opportunities for my brother to be alone from time to time, so that some people can take advantage of it. Understand?"

"Ah? But are you not afraid of the danger of boss? "

When Zi Weidun didn't understand the meaning of Gu jiuci, Gu jiuci didn't want to explain it again.

"In a word, you do as I say, I promise you will be OK!"

Ziwei wanted to retort a few more words, but Gu jiuci's busy voice came over the phone.

"Miss a CI, what's going on?"

Ziwei shook his head inexplicably and turned to walk upstairs.

In the room,

Ah Jiao took a bath and washed her mouth in the mirror. Looking at her ruddy lips, she could not help but think of the unknown water stains on Gu Qian's shoulder just now on the bus and sighed.

"Li Jiao, Li Jiao, how beautiful and romantic things don't happen to you, and the disgrace of sand sculpture is always met by you? Why do you want to water your mouth on other people's shoulders! "

At this time, the mobile phone on the hand washing table rang. Ah Jiao picked it up and had a look. It was the itinerary sent by director Zhang.

"Director Zhang: @ today's tour route for all members: Millennium Temple (it is said that marriage and birth signs are particularly effective) - there are ancient Su mountain meteor shower (let us catch up with the once-in-a-thousand-year Tianhu star meteor shower)

all members voluntarily sign up for the above itinerary, but do not want to participate in private chat and report free activities. "

after a Jiao finished reading the text message, director Zhang immediately sent out more than a dozen photos of scenic spots, each of which was very amazing. Jiao couldn't help imagining that she and Gu Qian would go to these places to play for a group photo.

She immediately sent a wechat to Gu Qian.

"Ajiao: brother ah Qian, would you like to take part in the activities later? "

in the room upstairs,

GU Qian stood in front of the French window, staring down at the mobile phone.

"Boss, if you are not interested in these things, I will tell director Zhang in a moment. She will arrange for the resort to prepare dinner for you. "

Ziwei took out the telescope and said to Gu Qian. After all, there were such collective activities before, but boss always stayed in the room, just changed a place to work.

The man did not answer, Ziwei thought it was tacit. He was about to send a message to Director Zhang when he suddenly heard the man's deep voice.

"No, I'll go."


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