Huo Mingche is the only calm person in the audience. After all, he is an iceberg of ten thousand years. On such an occasion, he can still pass her a tissue and help her tidy up.

Until after dinner, playing magic cube with Huo's mother, Gu jiuci's face is hot, and the heat has not subsided.

Her mind is not on the Rubik's cube at all, but has been thinking about what grandfather Huo said.

Speaking of it, since moving to Huangju, although she and the great demon king sleep in the same bed every day, there is no close contact.

Every day, the big devil always worked overtime. When she fell asleep, she didn't know when he came to sleep. When she woke up, he had been up for a long time. The total feeling is no different from sleeping alone with her.

Even if there was any intimacy in her sleep, she had no idea.

Now by Huo grandfather such a mention, she can't help but care.

Since she is an unmarried husband and wife, there will always be a time for her to do so...

in her previous life, she was in the state of Huo Mingche's fury, leaving nothing but pain and fear. Even at the beginning of her life, she was still instinctively resistant to Huo Mingche.

Now I'm used to his intimacy, but I don't want to fulfill my wife's obligations.

"ADI, what are you doing

Huo's mother stretched out her hand and swayed in front of her. Gu jiuci suddenly regained consciousness. The clock on the wall just rang.

"It's already nine o'clock. No wonder you are dazzled. You must be sleepy? Go up and have a rest

Huo's mother looked at the clock and said with special consideration.

"Shall we play a little longer?"

Gu jiuci subconsciously raises the magic cube in her hand. Why does she have a premonition? What will happen tonight? She didn't want to go back to her room so early...

"I don't want to play. I found out that I was really sleepy when I stopped. Anyway, today is the weekend. Aunt Ming has already prepared your clothes for change. You can stay in the old house tonight. "

Huo's mother covered her mouth and yawned gracefully and went back to the room.

Gu jiuci has no choice but to flatten his mouth and comfort himself.

"It's only nine o'clock. The devil must be in a meeting with dad Huo. There must be no one in the room."

She hypnotized herself with this sentence, while she went upstairs and pushed Huo Mingche's room away.

Different from the bedroom where Huang Ju gradually became infected with her breath, it is completely Huo Mingche's territory, and there are distinctive signs of Huo Mingche everywhere.

On the high-grade gray basic tone sheet, there is a set of pink ladies' Velvet pajamas stacked neatly, with the same series of small interiors on top, and a set of grey men's pajamas of the same series beside. The underwear is specially placed on the top...

"it won't be so coincident. I'll wash and sleep quickly, and I'll be able to fall asleep soon!"

Gu jiuci quickly walked over and picked up the whole set of clothes. He comforted himself and walked quickly to the bathroom.

Probably because she was flustered, she didn't notice that the light in the bathroom was on, even a tall and straight figure was projected on the frosted glass door.

Just as she was about to reach for the door handle, she heard a "click" and the door opened from inside.

At this moment, just like a slow motion camera, Gu jiuci raised her head instinctively, and the dense water vapor all rushed at her. She even widened her eyes foolishly, and the man's upright and solid body gradually emerged in front of her.

The wet hair dripped water from his delicate facial features. The man didn't wear a coat. The water drops went down inch by inch along the strong and bloody muscles, and passed through the broad chest to the thin waist.

Gu jiuci's eyes instinctively go down... Probably did not expect her to suddenly appear. The man's lower body was only wrapped in a thin towel. Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Gu jiuci felt a heat wave running directly to her nose...

"are you satisfied with what you see?"

The man's deep voice, wrapped in a teasing smile, suddenly rings over her head.

"Satisfied... Ah

Gu jiuci lenglengleng's answer, such as the reaction is completely late, she looked up to Huo Mingche's smiling eyes, embarrassed scream, immediately turned to cover her eyes.

The pajamas and underwear fell all over the floor. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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