Gu Qian just glanced at the map in a hurry and pushed it away.

"Do you know? Have you been here before? "


"How do you know where Yulong lake is?"

Ajiao followed Gu Qian step by step. All the way, she kept surrounding him, chattering incessantly, while the man was not impatient. He listened to her quietly and responded from time to time.

This day is probably the happiest day for Gillian these days.

The Yulong lake is bigger than she imagined and more beautiful than she imagined.

"I began to believe that the myth is true. Only such a large lake can hold the next dragon."

Jiao stands on a big stone, opens her hands and imitates the classic picture of the heroine standing in the bow of the boat in the movie, and feels the cool breeze blowing from the lake.


Gu Qian's expression light swept the lake in front of him. He didn't know why. He suddenly thought of a CI and Huo Mingche.

As a sister control, the baby sister who has raised for so many years has become someone else's, and his heart suddenly filled with a trace of discomfort.

"By the way, what do you mean by saying that you are familiar with this place, but you have never been here before?"

Ah Jiao suddenly thought of this problem. In fact, from yesterday, she felt that Gu Qian was a little strange.

"I don't know. I just feel like I've lived here, maybe in my last life."

Gu Qian pressed his heart and explained patiently.

"I've seen people approach science before, and it's very strange that some people still remember the memory of previous lives."

Jiao began to divergent thinking, this time the mobile phone rings, it is director Zhang they call.

"Mr. Li, are you with Mr. Gu? He can't get through to the phone. We're almost at the meeting time. You remember the time. "

On the phone, director Zhang's voice was a little anxious, and a Jiao hurriedly said.

"Well, well, we'll go back now."

She hung up the phone and Gu Qian held out his hand to her.

"Be careful."

A Jiao slightly a Zheng, and then red face, obediently put the hand in his palm, and then obediently was led by him, followed him to walk between the mountains.

Two people tacitly shut up, only do not open their eyes, secretly raised the corners of the mouth, feeling the intimate temperature of the fingertips, and the most beautiful scenery of the Millennium Lingshan.

Not long after the two left, three almost transparent figures appeared on the mountain road. If Gu Qian looked back at this time, he would immediately recognize that this was the appearance of his mother and his mother when he was young.

"Two gods, I think your highness will have a good marriage."

The young man standing beside the couple said with a smile.

"Thanks for the five meteors from the God of Si Xing last night."

Su Yunchao smiles at the young immortal and salutes him.

"Ah Qian is no longer a great highness with Su. I just hope that he, as a mortal, can find his own happiness and never have to live with himself again."

"Madam, he needs to go his own way in the future. We can't intervene any more."

Gu Qingyuan gently hold his wife's shoulder, warm voice coax way.

"I know, I just don't give up. My ah Qian has suffered too much."

Su Yunchao said, then sad frown, one side of the young immortal smile comfort way.

"God, don't worry. I've already calculated that his highness hongluan star moves. This time, it's his real fate."

"That would be great."

At the same time, their faces showed a smile, and their bodies slowly disappeared among the mountains and forests...

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