Ziwei stretched out a long stretch and was about to send out the joy of completing the task. However, he was stunned by a cold sight and held back.

He followed Gu Qian's eyes to the sofa, only to find Ajiao half lying on the sofa asleep, holding his laptop in his hand.

Gu Qian frowned and gave a look at them. Ziwei and Xiaoming immediately understood and left the study with his hands and feet. He also took the door with him.

Gu Qian pulled up the curtain in a low voice, walked slowly to the edge of the sofa, bent down, took off his suit and covered her.

He should have got up and left immediately, and didn't disturb her sleep. But looking at the girl's quiet sleeping face, his knee seemed to be heavy and could not get up for a moment.

"Brother ah Qian... Don't be angry..."

in her sleep, Ah Jiao seems to have had a bad dream. She frowns and whispers, and her hands are also waving wildly, as if to grasp something.

Gu Qian seized her hand and whispered.

"I'm sorry, Jiaojiao."

You want the miracle, I desperately want to give you, but in any case, there is nothing I can do.

Gu Qian's eyes droop. If a Jiao opens her eyes at the moment, she will see the endless despair in his eyes.

"No! Don't go

Gu Qian just wanted to take back his hand, but a Jiao suddenly clenched his hand, closed her eyes and cried out loudly. Gu Qian tried to struggle, but once the action was bigger, the girl would wake up.

The man sighed slightly and read a sentence in his heart.

This time.

This time, willful accompany in her side.

Gu Qian probably didn't realize that he was so soft hearted that he gave the girl in front of him.

In this way, Gu Qian sits beside the girl, letting the girl hold his hand and quietly gaze at the girl's sleeping face...

in the East, fish belly white appears in the East, and the time of quiet and good times always goes fast.

Gillian slowly opened her eyes, suddenly you feel something is not right, her eyes quickly turn a circle, Gu Qian sat beside her, tired face on the sofa, seems to be asleep.

However, she was holding the hands of others tightly. She made it clear that she was holding the hands of others, which made Gu Qian unable to leave.

Ah Jiao's face turned red, and embarrassment flooded her whole body. But she was not willing to let go of her hand. Maybe in the future, he would never have a chance to hold his hand like this.

A wisp of weak morning light hit the man's face through the gap of the curtain, making him as holy as the God. But Ah Jiao's heart miss more difficult to control.

She stares at the thin lips of a man and unconsciously approaches him...

she never kisses anyone, and she doesn't know if the kiss will be sweet?

Reason told her, do not take advantage of others, but sensibility has overcome reason, she can not control her own power.

No matter, after such a long time, I can't catch up with this man, so let her take advantage of a little bit!

Jiao eyes closed, heart a horizontal, determined to rush toward the man in the past!

"Boss, we should start..."

all of a sudden, the door snapped and was pushed open from outside. Ziwei's voice was so cold that she staggered and fell directly on Gu Qian's body. As soon as she looked up, she met the man's deep eyes.

It's strange that Gu Qian didn't wake up after such a big disturbance!

"Well... Are you awake? I just wanted to change your clothes. Ziwei was scared, so I fell down on you...

Ajiao got up from Gu Qian in a hurry and explained a lot of them.

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