Jiao made a decision in her heart, she must see it with her own eyes. Xiao Ming looks at her strangely.

"Miss, do you care so much when Mr. Gu leaves work? Ah, I see. You want to ask him out for dinner, don't you? "

Xiaoming's clever guess, Jiao immediately interrupted him.

"No, I'll follow him. You can do it now."

Xiao Ming was stunned for a moment. Although she didn't know what happened, she still did it according to her instructions.

After two hours, Xiao Ming is still very efficient.

Underground parking lot, when Gu Qian's car starts, a Jiao immediately orders Xiao Ming.

"Keep up. Keep your distance. Don't let her find out."

"Don't worry, miss. I'm a special scout. They won't find us!"


Ah Jiao was absent-minded. She stared at the car in front of her and didn't speak any more.

Soon, Gu Qian's car left the city, more and more to the suburbs, and Gillian's mood, also more and more heavy.

Xiao Ming gave a strange cry.

"Why do you want to leave the city at this time? From the navigation, there is nothing but graves and barren hills. "

"Because he just wanted to sweep the grave...

although she didn't want to admit it, Ah Jiao still told the truth.

"To sweep the grave?"

Xiaoming is stunned at once. At this time, the car in front of him has stopped. Gu Qian steps down from the car. Ziwei follows him with chrysanthemum flowers and other grave sweepers in his hand.

Two people walk toward a cemetery together, at this point, all of Gillian's fantasies have been broken.

Xiao Ming quietly stops the car not far away, secretly looks at a Jiao's face.

"Maybe Mr. Gu just came to see a deceased relative. They came to the cemetery, not to the nightclub. Why are you so sad, miss?"

Xiaoming didn't know, his words, on the contrary, deeply hurt Gillian's heart.

The word "relatives" is so close.

No wonder that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get into his heart. It turned out that the position of his wife had already been occupied by her, and she ignored Gu Qian's clear refusal many times.

He has always been a gentleman, she is that unreasonable, pull him into the abyss of the villain!

Imperceptibly, the tears are full of Gillian's face.

"What's the matter with you, miss? Why are you crying? "

Xiaoming some flustered voice, let a Jiao return to God.

It turned out that she was crying. At this time, Gu Qian and Ziwei walked towards this side from afar. Ah Jiao didn't have time to think about it, so she got out of the car and hid.

Until Gu Qian's car left, she slowly stood up and watched him leave.

"What's the matter, miss?"

"Nothing, Xiao Ming, you can walk with me."

Jiao has no strength to say, she suddenly want to see his wife, what kind of a person.

There are few people who come to visit the tomb this season. In addition, the things Ziwei bought are very valuable. She found the girl's tomb at a glance.

On the black tombstone, there is a small two inch photo, which may be the reason why the girl's family miss her. The photo is color, and it looks like a very beautiful woman.

Different from a girl's innocence, but with a woman's charm and tenderness.

"It turns out that he likes this type."

Gillian pulled out a smile that was even worse than crying. Looking down, she saw the name on the tombstone...

"my wife..."

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