"Are you moving too fast? Only last night, did you... Ah Jiao people today? "

Gu jiuci asked vaguely. She thought the two were together smoothly, but in fact it was...

GU Qian didn't answer his sister's words and reached out [biqu Pavilion] www.boquge.me ]She picked up the letter at the head of the bed. It was really written by the girl, but it was very scribbled and messy. It was obviously written temporarily.

Gu jiuci this time also can see, a Jiao is clear is to leave a letter to run away!

"Big brother, didn't you explain clearly last night?"

Gu Qian quickly read the letter, deep eyes across the gloomy.

"Brother ah Qian, please forgive me for being wayward this time. After all, I will never appear in your world again and disturb you. Thank you for teaching me to grow up with self-confidence. Now I am leaving you and will not make you feel embarrassed. I have been to the tomb of Shangguan's sister. She is a beautiful woman. You are the best man in the world. I wish you well for the rest of your life. A Jiao Liu. "

Gu jiuci came over to have a look, and his expression gradually became meaningful.

"Big brother, you refused her too many times before. Now Ah Jiao misunderstands you completely! What can I do? "

However, Gu Qian stares at the letter in a daze, and doesn't even notice what his sister Gu jiuci said.

"Oh, don't be dazzled. If you don't explain the misunderstanding clearly, you will get more and more misunderstandings. Try to find a way!"

Gu jiuci pushed him in a hurry. Gu Qian regained his mind and immediately took out his mobile phone and called Ziwei.

"Check the whereabouts of Ajiao quickly, and you will come right away. I'm going to the airport!"

With that, Gu Qian turned and rushed out of the door, holding the letter tightly in his hand!

"Well, why do you two have so much trouble?"

Gu jiuci looked at his brother's back and sighed, then ran to the second brother's room to report the news.

At Dijing International Airport,

A Jiao carries a backpack and a high horsetail. The crow green under her eyes exposes her fatigue. Although she is still a girl, she has obviously changed.

Her sister Li Wan'er took her hand and kept telling her how to let go.

"Call me as soon as you get there. You can play missing with the world, but you can't torture your sister. Do you hear me?"

"Well, well, I promise you. I'm really self willed this time. It's hard for you, sister. "

A Jiao some apologetic embrace sister, at this time the flight broadcast began to urge her to board the plane.

"Time is almost up, then I'll go and take care of myself and my second uncle."

Jiao did not give up the luggage, but also did not forget to tell her sister.

"Remember to call me!"


A Jiao side response, while still some do not give up on tiptoe, looking at the entrance of the airport, eager to see the familiar figure, toward her.

Unfortunately, she should have known that he would not come.

Li Wan'er and her husband stood in front of the huge French window, watching the plane carrying Ajiao take off.

"I didn't expect that in the end, my sister had nothing to do with nothing."

"It's not the worst outcome. Gu Qian is a good man, and a Jiao will find her right man."

The man patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, warm voice way.

"Let's go back."

"Well, the imperial capital has a lot of things to deal with."

Li Wan'er pinched her brow and nodded. As soon as they turned around, they saw Gu Qian running away. At this time, he was in a mess. Where was he usually calm and calm.

"Isn't this Mr. Gu? What are you doing here? "

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