Shangguan Siyu said, and his tone became domineering.

"Didn't you say that Gu Qian had deep feelings for me? Why did he do that to me that day? And yesterday he cut off all support for our family. What does he mean?!

Isn't he afraid I'm angry? You should arrange for me to meet Gu Qian quickly, and I want him to apologize to me! "

Hearing Shangguan Siyu's words, Gu Xue sneered scornfully.

"It's time for you to lick your face and have a good dream?"

Anyway, the Shangguan Siyu has no use of the value, she does not need to continue to camouflage.

"What do you mean?"

Shangguan Siyu was completely stunned.

"What do you mean? Shangguan Siyu, you should weigh your own weight well. You can't succeed enough, but you can't succeed enough! "

Gu Xue continued with a cold face. She didn't care about Shangguan Siyu's anger. After all, a Shangguan family, not to mention in Gu's eyes, was also fragile like a mole ant in her eyes.

She didn't worry that Shangguan Siyu would retaliate. The reason why she still came to see Shangguan Siyu today was to take good care of the aftermath...

"my elder brother didn't like you at all, and later I learned that the year you eloped, the two families would have terminated their engagement. Your father has been asking me for help.

I've tried my best to bridge the gap between you and Gu Qian. If you don't grasp the opportunity, you can't see your position clearly, and you've made things to this point today. Now all the consequences are that you should take the consequences and deserve it. "

Finish these, Shangguan Siyu's face suddenly blue, a burst of white, Gu Xue see very happy.

Waiting for Shangguan Siyu to say something, she raised her hand to look at the wrist watch, impatiently said.

"The reason why I came to see you today is to tell you that the things between you and me should be rotten in your stomach. Otherwise, I have many ways to let you die again. This time, you have no chance to revive!"

Her voice fell, Shangguan Siyu scared face white, lips turned blue and purple.

No matter how stupid a person is, when facing the danger of life, she will still have a little intelligence quotient. She immediately nodded her head, such as pounding garlic.

"Yes, I'll rot in my stomach, I won't say a word!"

"You know what you are!"

Gu Xue is satisfied to hook up the corner of the lip, the most important thing finished, she did not have to continue to stay here. Before leaving, she left a word for Shangguan Siyu.

"Shangguan Siyu, don't blame me. If you want to blame, you should blame Li Jiao who was killed on the way. Originally, big brother doesn't like anyone. You are resurrected. Maybe he will fulfill his engagement to marry you. After all, everyone he marries is the same.

But when Li Jiao appears, you are nothing more in my big brother's eyes. "

With these words, Gu Xue is satisfied to see Shangguan Siyu's face become extremely ugly.

That's good. Even if it's an abandoned child, she will bury a thunder for that bitch.

Not waiting for Shangguan Siyu to say something, Gu Xue turned and left the small coffee shop.

Left alone Shangguan Siyu gas face iron green, she pinched the knife and fork in her hand, full of hate.

"Li Jiao! I can't get people, you don't want to get! Since I'm so miserable, you don't want to be better! "

Shangguan Siyu's knife and fork were actually bent by her life, and a conspiracy was brewing in her heart...

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