"Clattering, clattering!"

Her mobile phone suddenly rings, is a domestic long-distance call, caller ID, Du lelan.

Ajiao quickly connect, Du lelan a greeting is too late to make, directly asked.

"Did you see the statement of Gu Qian's microblog?"

"I saw it, but then..."

Gillian's brain melon seeds are buzzing.

"Ah Jiao, there's something I said. Don't be jealous of me. I really didn't expect that kindness would do something wrong... "

on the other end of the phone, Du lelan's tone suddenly became guilty.

"Say it."

Jiao pinched the phone, a sudden rise in the heart of a guess.

"I just asked people to investigate. Gu Qian's statements are all true. That Shangguan Siyu really liked others and eloped with that little white face.

Over the years, Shangguan's family has been aware of it. I said that this family has never been on the grave, and the photos on the tombstone are still in color! Damn it, we were cheated, and Gu Qian was cheated too! "

"What Taomei Xuejie said..."

Ah Jiao asked subconsciously that what she said that day was always a thorn in her heart.

"That's what I want to tell you. That sister Tao Mei is... Dead!"

"What are you talking about?! Dead? "

Gillian suddenly all over the goose bumps all up, this woman died, Shangguan Siyu will not take the initiative to talk about the truth of the matter at that time, all of a sudden there is no way to check up.

"It's really a coincidence. It's said that Tao Mei had cancer at that time and died within a few months."

Du lelan tone some hair empty said.

"Ah Jiao, did I do something wrong

If he had not found Tao Mei, a Jiao would not have known the "truth" of Gu Qian and Shangguan Siyu, and there would have been no subsequent five years.

If she had listened to Gu Qian clearly five years ago, would things have come to a different end?

"You didn't do anything wrong."

Jiao took a deep breath and comforted Du lelan.

"I understand that you are kind to help me. If Gu Qian and I are not predestined, we still have to separate."

But Du lelan is still very guilty, in the phone crazy to a Jiao apology, blame him for the investigation was not careful.

Jiao coax Du lelan for a while, then hang up the phone.

Amy looked at her carefully and asked in a low voice.

"I didn't expect that the truth was like this. That Shangguan Siyu is really a scum. I began to sympathize with Gu Qian. Now, Gu Qian has broken up. If he pursues you again, will you agree? "

At that time, I suddenly remembered that night.

They were dancing in the middle of the crowd, she asked.

"In fact, you always have a woman you like, don't you? "

the scene of that night was as clear as yesterday, and she clearly remembered that he had answered with great care.

"Yes. "

he lived in his heart for a long time.

That one word, always is her heart, more and more sink deeper thorn.

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