"Ma Ma, go to the bathroom. You two have to be good."

"Good ~"

the two children answered in one voice, but they exchanged a look at each other as soon as Ajiao left the office.

"Tuan Tuan, I'm going to talk to Gu Qian now. Will you come with me?"

"Well! We need to talk to Dad clearly! Why hasn't he come to look for Tuan Tuan for so many years! "

The little girl's face was full of grievances and nodded heavily. Every year, she immediately frowned.

"You can't call him Dad yet. You can only call him Dad if he is forgiven by numbness. Do you remember that?"


Xiaotuan looks confused. Isn't paternity test proved their blood relationship? Why can't we call dad?

But my brother is the most intelligent, always right, thought of here, small group did not hesitate to agree.

After a few minutes, she climbed down from the sofa with her sister every year, and quietly walked to the door. After confirming that there was no one outside, she took her sister's little hand and secretly left from the safe passage.

Their goal is very clear, that is Gu Qian's office!

In the meeting room, Ajiao is still on the phone with faxiao.

"Gillian, I want to tell you a big news. Things may be more complicated than you think, and even more serious! I may have run into a murder! "

On the phone, Du lelan's tone is meaningful and frightens Gillian goose bumps.

"What do you mean?"

"At the beginning, we all thought that Tao Mei died of cancer naturally, but it was not. I went to find someone to check her case and her medical records, and found that her disease can be induced, such as some trace radioactive elements!

Then I continued to investigate, and sure enough, a small amount of radioactive material was found in the interlayer of her commonly used bag! "

A Jiao heard here, subconsciously hugged herself, she thought and Gu Qian is just an accidental miss, but did not think that behind this is someone deliberately!

"Did you find the killer?"

Who is destroying her relationship with Gu Qian? Is it aimed at Gu Qian or herself?

"Five years later, it's really difficult. After all, even Tao Mei's husband doesn't know where the bag came from. Tao Mei usually likes to buy bags, but only that bag has no record of purchase and delivery."

Du lelan is very embarrassed to say that Tao Mei has been dead for a period of time, and now the body has been cremated by her family. It is more difficult to find anything from the corpse.

"That means that the bag was given to her by others, and the person who sent the bag was the one who hurt her!"

Ajiao squinted her eyes, keen analysis way.

"It's very likely that I will tell you about this situation first. You must be careful. Before you went abroad, you didn't have a name. Now you appear in the public view again, and have contact with Gu Qian. I'm afraid the other party will make a comeback.

After all, I don't know whether the other party is targeting you or Gu Qian. If it's you, now you have two more children...

Du lelan said that, but did not go on. Ah Jiao suddenly thought of the two children, even busy way.

"Thank you, I will protect my two children!"

She said thanks to Du lelan in a hurry, then hung up the phone and turned to walk towards the office.

The door opened, looking at the empty office, Ah Jiao panic!

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