What is he going to do?!! What is he going to do in front of three children?!!

Seeing Gu Qian's delicate face in front of her, constantly enlarging, Jiao hesitates to push him away.


All of a sudden, after a clear and crisp sound, Gu Qian raised the corner of his lips, and his voice was provocative.

"All right."


A Jiao full of question marks, what's good?

When she looked down, she found that Gu Qian had put on her seat belt, and her embarrassed face suddenly turned red.

"Ma Ma, you are so bad. Don't you remember wearing your seat belt?"

The son of the back seat actually still ridiculed her, Ah Jiao immediately was embarrassed and had to defend herself.

"Ma Ma certainly remembers, it's your uncle Gu who is too quick with his hands."

"Well, it's my fault."

She forceful explanation, the man on one side should immediately answer, that with a smile tone, clearly very enjoy.

What to do, she seems more angry!

Li Jiao, Li Jiao, clearly is a common seat belt stalk. Why didn't you respond to it? Why are you so immature!

In the final analysis, no matter how old-fashioned the stem of the seat belt is, as long as the object is Gu Qian, she can't calm down...

"so shall we go home?"

Gu Qian gently through the reversing mirror, looking at the three treasures in the back seat.

"Ma Ma, I want to eat bear ice cream ~"

I blink and stare at Ajiao with big eyes. A soft face makes people want to pinch her and can't help but want to satisfy her wish.

"Uncle, I have an appointment with Johnson in July square."

Huo Zheng said without expression. Gifted children always have unexpected sociability.

Jiao originally wanted to refuse, but suddenly her stomach purred.

Gu Qian refrained from laughing: "I heard that a new Chinese restaurant opened in July square, all of which are Jiangnan dishes...

" Wow, I want to eat it! "

Don't wait for Gu Qian to finish speaking, Tuan Tuan's eyes are shining. OK, Gillian admits that her eyes are shining.

There are too few Chinese restaurants in Paris.

"No, ask your mother for advice."

So, four pairs of eyes brush at a Jiao, Ah Jiao immediately felt that Alexander, after all, how could she bear to refuse the three lovely children.

"Well, then, we'll go out."

As soon as her voice dropped, there was a burst of cheers in the carriage. Gu Qian had already started the engine and headed for the July square.

A Jiao subconsciously pinched the seat belt, secretly aimed at Gu Qian, this seems to be the first time, she took the child and Gu Qian to go out together.

This picture is too dreamy, although she has been dreaming for five years, she did not expect to have a dream come true.

To the Chinese restaurant, which is really very lively, customers are queuing up at the door, Gillian frowned.

"There are so many people that the children can't wait."

"It doesn't matter. I have a reservation."

Gu Qian gave her a smile, and then called a waiter. After seeing the mobile phone, the attendant immediately took them inside. Unexpectedly, there was a special box in it.

"It's strange that in such a busy Chinese restaurant, it's time to leave a box for the guests?"

Jiao looked at the other four suspiciously, one big three small all a pair of natural appearance, she suddenly felt, is not he was routine?

"The owner of this restaurant is a friend of mine, and he can help with this little help."

It seems to have guessed her doubts, Gu Qian handed her chopsticks and said at the same time.

At this time, she suddenly found that she and Gu Qian were sitting next to each other, and the three children were sitting on the opposite side of each other www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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