"Uncle Jane, what happened at the ball?"

"At the party..."

Jane looked back at her eyes, squatted down to paint, and embellished the story with the two children.

"That's why Gu Qian is so bad!"

"I'm so angry that he's a big liar!"

Tuan Tuan angrily clenched his fist and kept silent every year.

Jane thought the time was almost right and asked tentatively.

"What do you think of Uncle Jane?"

"Uncle Jane is very good. He bought me a lot of food."

Tuan Tuan replied obediently.

"Do you think uncle Jane will be your father

Hearing Tuan Tuan's answer, Jiansu was excited and continued to pursue her question.


Tuan was stunned and hesitated.

"I think uncle Jane, you have to work harder!"

One side of the year immediately opened his mouth, and was not around Jane.

"Yes, I really need to work hard. Can you help Uncle Jane?"

Jane did not give up, and continued to step by step with her children.

"I think uncle Jane should try his best. We are going to do our homework."

Every year, she holds her sister in one hand and looks at Jian Su politely.

"Good, good, you go to do your homework, you will know that you are an ancient spirit spirit spirit!"

Jane had no choice but to give up.

Two small beans returned to the room and immediately called Gu Qian www.biquku.biz ]This is the exclusive ring tone between them. Sure enough, as soon as the call was connected, Gu Qian answered the call.

"Is your mother home?"

Holding the phone every year, before he had time to question, he heard Gu Qian's anxious voice.

"Mom has come back, but she is very sad. It's all your fault!"

The group crowded in the elder brother's side, angrily to the telephone shout way.

Gu Qian looked gloomy and admitted his mistake in a low voice.

"Yes, it's all my fault. I knew I had made a big mistake. "

The two dolls didn't expect Gu Qian to admit that he was so happy, and subconsciously asked.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Qian thought for a while, although the two children were too young, but still told the truth with the two children.

"I didn't like each other, but I didn't like it. I even told your mother that I couldn't get married.

At that time, I did have to do what I had to do, but what I was very wrong was that I did not explain to your mother in time, which made her so sad and hurt you

The two children had prepared a lot of blame words, but after listening to Gu Qian's words, they did not know how to blame.

"Then you are still a bad uncle!"

Tuan Tuan thought for a long time and held out such a sentence.

"Tuan Tuan is right. I accept whatever punishment you want."

At the other end of the phone, Gu Qian said seriously. In his eyes, he did not treat them as two innocent children, but as two people with independent decision-making ability.

So he apologized sincerely.

"What about you now? Is the person you like now still numb? Will you still marry Ma Ma Ma? "

Holding on to the phone every year, asking the key to the problem.

At the other end of the phone, Gu Qian subconsciously clenched his mobile phone and said solemnly.

"Jiaojiao is the love of my life. If I can marry her, I can't get it!"

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