When Li Le'an mentions the rules, everyone can't help but sit up straight. All of us have wasted the effort to squeeze Jin into this crew. It's because Lee is a famous director in the circle. The TV series he directed is always a big hit. Moreover, the actors and actresses under his guidance have made great progress.

But Li Le'an's rules are also very strict. If he makes a little mistake, even if he leaves after half of the play, it is a common thing.

"Well, I'll start on my left and introduce myself one by one. Fanghua, start with you. "

After Li Le'an finished, he looked at Du Fanghua with a smile.

Du Fanghua stood up and introduced herself in a natural manner: "Hello everyone, I'm Du Fanghua. In the most beautiful hour light, I play the female host in summer. Please take care of me."

After she introduced herself, there was a burst of applause in the conference room, especially among the male staff, who didn't like the actress who was good and popular.

Next is the hero Fei Ming, he stood up, showing a habitual smile, the scene of the actresses and staff are laughing at the same time. Sure enough, after he introduced himself, the applause was equally enthusiastic.

Gu jiuci looked around with his forehead, feeling the natural audience.

After all, except for the male and female masters, all the young and unknown new people are used in this play, but at least all of them applaud symbolically.

"Mu orange, you can introduce yourself."

Finally, it's Gu jiuci's turn. Li Le'an calls her Mu orange directly. Obviously, in the director's mind, she is already the character.

But this address directly let the other people's faces sink down and stare at Gu jiuci sarcastically.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Gu jiuci. I'm the actor of Mu orange. Please take care of me."

After she finished the introduction, there were only three or four people clapping, and the others didn't even move their hands.

To make it clear is to embarrass Gu jiuci.

Looking at Gu jiuci's dry standing, Xu yun'er and Jiang Min are filled with joy.

"Well, let's talk about fixing the makeup."

Li Le'an has some doubts and sweeps Gu jiuci, then opens his mouth and makes a round.

Gu jiuci sat down calmly, and the meeting continued.

"Finally, I'll tell you my rules. A total of 100 detailed rules have been sent to your agents. I hope you can recite it well and don't make mistakes. I would like to emphasize here that Li Le'an does not need artists with bad character and bad habits. Once found out, I will terminate the contract immediately. This is written into the contract between the two parties. I hope you will know it in your mind. "

Li Le'an said solemnly with a cold face.

"Are you clear?"


A group of actors immediately answered in unison. Gu jiuci's eyes widened in amazement. There are 100 rules. Is this Li Le'an abnormal?

"Well, next, let's get ready for the make-up photos."

In the bathroom,

as soon as Gu jiuci got up, he heard several girls talking about it from outside.

"I can't read it any more just now. Gu jiuci is so arrogant!"

"That's right. I heard that relying on the power of the gold master's family, he threatened the female No. 3 captured by director Li!"

"Ah, I also heard that the gold owner of this little bitch is an old, ugly and fat old man!"

"Tut Tut, in order to win the role? What a shame

In the compartment, Gu jiuci laughed angrily.

, if the ugly men are introduced into the group again, it's no wonder that those old men with ugly looks are the ugly ones.

Gu jiuci tried to imagine for a while and suddenly got goose bumps.

At this time, her mobile phone rings, and it turns out that mi'an, who has just added wechat, sent it.

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