"Are you hiding something from me?"

Jiao's displeased hands around the chest, looking at a big two small.

"Ma Ma, don't be angry. I just don't want Ma Ma to worry."

Year after year hastily opens mouth, a Jiao frowns.

"Did your mother say that you shouldn't keep it from your mother, and you must tell Ma Ma Ma about something?"

"I'm sorry ~"

every year, I'm in a hurry. I just dare to lower my head and hold a Jiao by the corner of her clothes, and apologize pitifully.

"In fact, the two children didn't want to embarrass you. They knew that I was their father, but they didn't recognize me because they were afraid that you would be sad. If you don't approve of me, they'd rather not have me as a father. "

Gu Qian's expression also immediately tensed up, hastily apologized. The anxious eyes, and the attitude of admitting mistakes. Father and son are like copy and paste.

"Yes, if Ma Ma doesn't like Dad, we don't want Dad!"

Every year very firmly said.

A Jiao listened to the heart sour for a while, did not expect that two five-year-old dolls have been considering so much for her. She looked at her tense little face, and looked at the Tuan Tuan in Gu Qian's bosom. She still held Gu Qian's collar tightly in a small hand.

A family is a family and will eventually come together.

"I didn't get anything from you until yesterday. I wanted to find an opportunity to confess today, but I didn't get a chance. You can be angry as much as you want, but you can't...

GU Qian looks at Ah Jiao uneasily, and his eyes are full of anxiety.

Ah Jiao sighed and shrugged.

"What can't I do?"


GU Qian didn't say the following words, but he frowned with disgust at the thought of the word.

You can't say goodbye.

Ah Jiao guessed Gu Qian's subtext. Of course, she would not say that she broke up. After a lot of hardships, how could she let go of today?

"Every night every year I have to take a bath, brush my teeth, check his homework, and go to bed before nine o'clock in the evening."

Ah Jiao's eyes flashed, and then she opened her mouth. Gu Qian was stunned and staring at her.


"what are you doing? In the future, these are all your responsibilities as a father. Do you want me to continue to milk two children alone? "

Jiao pretends to be angry and angry. Gu Qian responds immediately.

"Of course I won't make you so hard!"

Man, your eyes suddenly lit up, but also quickly close to her, in her cheek mercilessly kiss, Gillian brush a face shy blush.

"Why, the child is still there."

Gu Qian rarely showed such unsteadiness, and his eagerness still remained.

"Sorry, I can't control it."

Ah Jiao's heart filled with a burst of sweetness, and there are some rustling, rarely always calm and self-sustaining men, will also be confused for him.

"Ma Ma, I want to kiss, too."

Every year, some snacks vinegar pulled a Jiao's corner of the clothes, coquettish way.

"OK, Ma Ma, kiss us baby!"

Jiao quickly picked up every year, in the son's soft face, bar Ji is a mouthful.

At sunset, men and women each hold a doll, a family of four, never so happy.

Four people came home, Tuan Tuan woke up, three people already know, only she is a little confused, but also try to pretend to be a uncle Gu, right uncle Gu.

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