"Did we know each other before?"

Si Chen looked at Vincent suspiciously. Several times, Vincent acted as if he had seen her before, but she never had any image.

Vincent's face changed abruptly, and when he knew the opportunity was just around the corner, he suddenly stopped talking.

"Morning! Sorry, I'm late. "

Just at this time, Ji Weiran came in from the outside, stopped sichen's shoulder and just interrupted the conversation between them.

Vincent left immediately.

"You two have a slow chat."

Si Chen opened his mouth, and finally did not say anything. He asked the security guard to throw the fat man out, and then he entered the box together with Ji Weiran.

On this side, as soon as Vincent returned to the upper deck, Harry whistled at him in a teasing way.

"It seems that young master Wen's heroic rescue of the United States is not very smooth!"

Nearby Si Ye shakes his glass with one hand and laughs at him.

"You don't have to ask before you have sex. What's the origin of beauty?"

Just then, the manager of the club came over with two bottles of good wine.

"Sir, our boss said thank you for your help. It's a small gift. Besides, today you're spending as much as you can. All accounts are recorded in our boss's account. I hope you'll have a good time tonight."

With that, the manager presented the wine and left.

"Tut Tut, it seems that this beauty is really not simple, Si ye, she seems to be surnamed Si?"

When Harry said this, Vincent's eyes immediately turned to night.

"Don't look at me like that. We were my family five hundred years ago, but it doesn't matter now. This si family is also engaged in cultural and entertainment industry. It is also a top-level luxury in the imperial capital. Only a few years ago, sichen married Yu Gu, and the scum man emptied most of his family business. Now the secretary is really not as good as before. "

Si ye said with some sigh, and Harry also sighed.

"Beauty is miserable."

"But sichen is a powerful woman. I think it won't be long before the Si family will be inspired again. However, all their relatives are staring at the family property, and I often hear some farce. For example, she is forced to introduce people and covet her property. "

The Secretary said with a lack of interest, and then talked to Harry about other things, did not notice Vincent's eyes, a flash of cold light.

"By the way, you haven't finished your words just now. Have you come all the way to China just to see each other? Do you really like that girl

Harry was more interested in Vincent.


Vincent frowned slightly, and suddenly appeared in his mind the picture of sichen being insulted by the dead fat man. At that moment, he had an impulse... He wanted to protect her all the time.

When he hesitated, the faces of his two friends became delicate.

"No, I don't think you used to be quick and clear, saying it's impossible?"

The night's drinking stopped, and Harry's expression was dignified.

"Vincent, you're not right. Don't forget, Anna is still waiting for you

"In my opinion, your sister is dead. I'd better persuade your sister to get married."

The night patted Harry on the shoulder, sighed, looked up and drank the wine.

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