As she spoke, Vincent walked slowly towards her. Subconsciously, she squeezed the camera in her hand. She was half happy and half nervous, though she didn't know what she was nervous about.

"Chenchen, I never thought that one day I could settle down in a place, have a family and live a plain and happy life. Do you think that my dream will come true one day?"

The man's voice sounded on her head, with a slight uneasiness in her tone. This sounds like an ordinary discussion to outsiders, but sichen knows that it's not.

She raised her eyes, on the man's dark blue eyes, these eyes are not as confident and unrestrained as usual, but with more tension and anxiety, he is asking her an answer.

And the answer in her heart, in fact, is ready to come out.

Sichen turns around and walks to the balcony, pretending to enjoy the scenery outside.

The hope in Vincent's eyes faded away as she turned around.

Some of his self mockery pulled the corners of his mouth, it seems that he is still too hasty, forcing her too tight. The next second, he heard a woman's faint voice.

"Maybe your dream will come true."

At that moment, the cold winter in Vincent's heart jumped to spring, everything revived, and then the flowers bloomed!

Come out from the model room, two people are so quiet and silent walking on the road, the setting sun sets, the sky will be late. Vincent looked at the elongated shadows of the two, bouncing on the ground and overlapping.

He was thinking about how to invite sichen to dinner when sichen took the lead.

"Shall we go to the supermarket? I'll treat you to Wellington steak. I owe you a meal last time

When she said this, she subconsciously squeezed the camera in her hand. It was the first time that she invited a man since Yu Gu.

The man suddenly stopped, even slightly grew up mouth, silly not lengdeng staring at her, a pair of doubt that he heard the wrong expression, make sichen are a little embarrassed, arrogant way.

"Don't want to go!"

"Think about it, think about it! Let's go to the supermarket now! "

Vincent responded immediately, afraid that he would regret it, so he agreed in a loud voice.

Si Chen lowered his head to hide the corner of his mouth that he couldn't stop raising. He deliberately said in a cold voice.

"What are you doing? I'm not going to drive yet. "

"I'll go now!"

Vincent is happy to answer, almost out of the same hand and foot posture, but at this time, his mobile phone suddenly sharp ring up.

Vincent didn't look at it. He hung up the phone impatiently. However, the next second, the phone rang persistently, and sichen couldn't read it.

"You'd better take it. Maybe it's something important."

Future daughter-in-law's words or listen to, Vincent immediately cold face connected the phone.

"Johnson! Today is a happy day for me. You'd better have something important to say to me, otherwise! "

He gritted his teeth and jumped out word by word. Sichen could clearly feel the momentum that he wanted to kill.

"Boss, we got the news that there was an explosion in that prison..."

hearing this sentence, Vincent's face suddenly changed, and the atmosphere of happiness disappeared, even became treacherous.

After noticing Vincent's change, he said immediately.

"Is there something tricky about the company? You'd better hurry back. I have my own car to go home. "

"Morning, morning, I..."

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