"I'm sorry. I'm a citizen of China. I'm not interested in meeting your princess."

Sichen coldly finished, ready to hang up the phone, this time the phone suddenly changed a person, is a younger voice.

"So you don't want to have a good chat with me about Vincent? Don't you want to know where he is now? Are you worried about his safety? "

The woman a series of three questions, the success of let sichen hold the mobile phone.

"Time, place."


the next morning, when a senior private club

arrived, the whole road was guarded by the guards of Dibai, as if she had come to the princess's bedroom.

"Are you miss sichen?"

At the door, a maid with a black veil looked up and down at sichen road.

"I am."

Sichen straightened his back and looked down at each other. The other side had to look up at her, and her momentum weakened.

"Our princess is waiting for you in there."

"I know if you don't say it."

Sichen glanced at the maid and strode to the inside.

On the second floor, she saw a girl with a white veil sitting on the sofa tasting tea. Although half of the veil blocked her face, it still could not cover up her pure black eyes and delicate face.

Si Chen picks eyebrows. Unexpectedly, the girl is even more beautiful than in the photo. She is as beautiful as ah CI.

"So you are sichen."

The girl had noticed sichen and made a gesture of please sit down.

"It's as beautiful as I thought."

The princess was more polite than her maid, and sichen responded faintly.

"You're beautiful, too."

She went to the sofa and sat down. The next second she got to the point.

"You said on the phone yesterday that you knew Vincent's whereabouts?"

Si Chen's voice fell, and the girl chuckled.

"It seems you don't know. I thought brother Vincent would be more sincere to you this time, but he's still not serious."

This words export, Si Chen immediately frowned, in the heart very uncomfortable.

"I know what he does to me, but what he does to you... I can tell from your words that he is not serious."


The general was defeated. Princess Anna's angry face changed, but she soon calmed down.

"It seems that Vincent's brother didn't tell you that he is in a very dangerous situation."

"I have common sense that international mercenaries are always in danger."

Si Chen is not willing to show weakness of reply way, but Anna's facial expression but serious rise.

"I'm not kidding you! He is not an ordinary mercenary. He is the defection leader of the mercenary organization and the number one target of revenge of that organization.

Now that the object has...

speaking of this, Anna suddenly feels something and the conversation changes.

"He's in such danger every day. As far as I know, you're just the boss of a small film and television company. When you're with a dangerous person like Vincent, you can't protect him, maybe you'll be involved by him!

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