Vincent's face was cold, and his dark blue eyes looked at Anna.

"What do you want to do?"

"I investigated her. She was once cheated by a scum man, so now she doesn't believe that you have paid so much, maybe she hasn't fallen in love with you. Is it really worth it? Are you really willing? "

Vincent's eyes flashed, still cold.

"It's none of your business."

Anna was angry, but she pinched the bag with her fingers and said angrily.

"Why don't we make a bet? Bet today, she is not really love you, is not completely believe you! If I lose, I'll bless you both. If I win, you'll follow me! "


Vincent's face became tangled, and Anna saw that he was loose, and her mouth was filled with pride.

"Or if you make a decision now, I don't object. After all, Gordon is a pervert. You know best that he likes to torture other people's love and make life worse than death.

Don't you even know how important Gordon is to me? No matter how hard she went through, she would never meet someone like Gordon.

Brother Vincent, do you really want to pull sichen into your hell with your own hands? "


This word shocked Vincent. Can he only live in hell and never have the qualification to love someone?!

Anna's words really hit his soft spot. What should he do with Chenchen?

At this time, a beautiful shadow appeared in the street outside the window. Anna just saw it. She looked at Vincent meaningfully and opened her lips in a low voice.

"Brother Vincent, it seems that our bet has already begun!"

"What do you mean..."

Vincent didn't know why. Before she had time to finish her words, Anna suddenly screamed and fell down. After all, she was the sister she once valued. Vincent subconsciously held her hand and didn't think much about anything, but the next moment...

Anna suddenly climbed up his neck with his strength Son, the whole face came up to kiss him!


How dare you count him!

Vincent's eyes suddenly become dangerous, just about to throw Anna to the ground, suddenly a beautiful shadow appears in his spare light.



Vincent's eyes immediately flashed a panic, the whole person is stiff in the same place, such a reaction fell in sichen's eyes, like a guilty conscience.

Anna also smart stop action, from Vincent's body down, also a smile at the morning road.

"I'm sorry to let you see that Vincent's brother is a romantic French man, and there will be more than one woman in his future. If you can't accept it, leave him as soon as possible."

As soon as sichen's face changed, the birthday present in his hand fell to the ground.

She admitted that when she saw the two people hugging each other intimately, or even almost kissing each other, her heart was like a broken glass, and she was in agony!


she looked at Anna coldly and opened her lips lightly.

"It's not your turn to intervene in the affairs between me and her! Vincent, I just want your explanation. "

Between speaking, sichen's hand tightly clenched into a fist, and her lips trembled. Last time, she blocked the dignity of the pay, and finally it was just a joke. This time, she gambled on her dignity, what would be the result?

Sichen's eyes were fixed on Vincent's face, not letting go of the slightest change in his face, but...

"Chenchen, I'm sorry." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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