It's a pity that she... Just noticed now!

The gift that Simao had just given to him was on the ground, but now it's sad that you didn't get up.

Did he take it?

"Vincent! You come out! Come out and make it clear! "

In response to her, only the cold silence.


A sound of pushing the door rang out, and sichen immediately looked at the door. The light in his eyes went out immediately when he saw the grandmother.

"Miss sichen, why are you here alone? What about Mr. Vincent? In the morning, he said to me, "I'm going to propose to you today!"

Granny looked at the embarrassed sichen, a face of surprise.

"He... Is going to propose to me?"

Sichen widened his eyes and looked at the granny.

"Yes, that day he specially discussed with me that he would buy my cat caf é. I came here early this morning to decorate the scene of the proposal. I put flowers and balloons there for a long time.

My old lady has never seen so many blue roses in her life

As she said this, she went to the bar, took out a big towel and handed it to sichen.

"Why are you covered with water? Wipe it! I've come to call Mr. Vincent. He's really, obviously going to propose, and suddenly he's gone. "

As a result, sichen's eyes moved with grandma, watching her pick up the phone and dial out, but...

"sorry, the number you dialed is empty...

" strange, my number is right, how can it be empty? "

The grandmother mumbled with doubts, and sichen's heart immediately surged with strong uneasiness.

Could it be said that...

she immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed the man's number with trembling.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is not available."

"How could that be?"

Si Chen's pupil suddenly enlarges, can't believe looking at the mobile phone, a more terrible possibility flashed in her mind!

Does... He want to disappear completely in her world?

She dashed out of the apartment for a second.

When the elevator opened, she was ready to knock on the man's door, but...

several workers came in and out from the opposite door carrying things, as if Vincent had never existed.

Sichen rushed in a panic, but was stopped by a man.

"Are you crazy? This is my home

"Your home?"

Sichen looked at the strange man in front of her.

"This is Vincent's home!"

"Oh, you said the previous homeowner had sold the house to me a week ago! If you want to find him, look elsewhere. Don't disturb me when I move! "

A strange man pushed her out. Sichen lost his balance and fell to the ground.

He's gone! Vincent's gone!

Sichen's heart suddenly sank into the dark.

No, why did he leave like this! She wants to know why!

However, for several days, sichen couldn't find any trace of Vincent until.... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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