"You are so beautiful today!"

Vincent did not hide the surprise in his eyes, looking straight at sichen.

Sichen wore a modified local dress with mysterious Persian temperament.

"Thank you for your compliment."

Si Chen Gou lip a smile, looking at the man nervous standing in place, like a fool, she had to kindly remind him.

"But what are you doing in here?"

Vincent suddenly remembered what he was doing.

"Oh, by the way, the bonfire party is about to start. I'll invite you to join me."

"It's been a long time. It's not a good experience."

Si Chen picks eyebrows and readily agrees.

When she came out of the tent, night had already fallen. Although sichen had been given medicine, she still had some pain. Egger told her not to exercise violently, so she had to sit on the seat and enjoy the happy dance around the campfire while eating.

Soon it was completely dark, and the night was low. On the grassland where there was only a bonfire, the stars became bright and conspicuous, as if they were hanging in front of us one by one, and we could pick them close by.

Sure enough... As Vincent once said, the place closest to the stars.

Sichen subconsciously looked into the crowd. The blonde man stood in the middle of the crowd, dancing with the children, expressing the joy from the bottom of his heart with the most primitive dance.

The scene in front of him suddenly reminds sichen of a picture she took for him five years ago in grandma's cat cafe. At that time, he was just as happy as he is now.

Is he really going to stay here forever, as Edgar said?

Sichen is thinking, the man has strided toward her, sichen subconsciously gave up some position, so that the man sat down beside her.

Just... After Vincent sat down, he just rubbed his hands nervously and didn't say a word for a long time.

In the end, it was Si Chen who broke the embarrassment of this long-term reunion.

"What do you want to ask me?"

As her voice fell, Vincent turned abruptly and looked at her affectionately, but he became timid again.

"Are you here to travel?"

"Do you think it's possible?"

Sichen chuckled and looked straight at Vincent, asking him a simple and direct question.

In Vincent's eyes, a small flame called hope immediately ignited. In fact, of course, he hoped that sichen came to the grassland for his sake. But five years ago, he hurt her like that. Five years later, what qualification does he have to hope like this?

Sichen sighed. She didn't want to waste any more time.

"In the past five years, I have been looking for you and never gave up. In fact, I already know about the crisis you met at the beginning. I also know that you planned to propose to me that day at Maocha. "

"You know it all!"

This time, Vincent's mouth grew up and he was so surprised.

"Well, I know Gordon is after you. You don't want to drag me down, but Vincent, do you despise me too much? Well

At the end of the speech, sichen's intonation rose angrily.

"In your eyes, I'm so useless that I can't solve things when I meet you?"

"Of course not. In my eyes, you are the best!"

Vincent hastened to explain that in the past five years, he has been paying close attention to sichen silently and all the time. Of course, he knows how powerful his favorite woman is.

"Then why don't you talk it over with me and leave?"

He looked down at Vincent in anger.

"I'm wrong. I'm arrogant. I take it for granted. The pain of these five years is my punishment. You....

when the man said later, he carefully raised his eyelids and peeped at sichen's reaction.

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