Sichen frowned fiercely and subconsciously blocked Vincent with her body. She couldn't let the old man succeed!

"Gordon! That's the little box you're talking about

Sichen suddenly took off the necklace on his neck and raised it high.

The pendant of that necklace looks like an ordinary square diamond. In fact, it is the smallest chip in the world, and this chip is full of the most terrible secrets in the world.

Seeing the chip, everyone took a cold breath, and Gordon's face became delicate.

He finally looked at sichen in the right eye and said unexpectedly.

"It seems that I underestimated you. I didn't expect that he gave you such an important thing!"

Sichen didn't want to take Gordon's words, but raised his hand and made an unexpected move.

The Chip Necklace in her hand, with a perfect parabola, fell into the fire in front of her. In a few seconds, with a small explosion, the necklace, including the chips in it, was reduced to ashes.

No one even reacted and watched the box full of Secrets disappear.


Gordon's face completely sank down. His face had never been so ugly.

"This chip is unique. You know Vincent can't copy it at all, and this [pen fun Pavilion] ]Only you know how to read the chip. Actually, senter is just a keeper, you are the one who can open it.

Now the chip is gone, but everyone's secret is still in your mind, so who is the biggest threat and who should die the most? "

Without waiting for Gordon to speak, sichen took the lead in interrupting him. With a few words, everyone on the scene suddenly realized that the muzzle of the gun was firmly aimed at Gordon.

"Old man! You've already gone! "

Vincent's firm mouth, Gordon's face finally appeared panic, he finally showed a ferocious expression, looked at Vincent viciously.

"Don't forget that I taught you your skills. Do you really think that with these hundreds of people, you want to catch me?"

As soon as Gordon's voice fell, his subordinates immediately moved to protect him in the center. These people were Gordon's heartfelt victims and Vincent's teachers.

The teacher who taught him all the killing skills in the world... And Gordon has always been the scariest of these teachers, and even Vincent has never been defeated.



Vincent suddenly sneered.

"What's the age, old man?"

As soon as his voice fell, Gordon suddenly felt dizzy and paralyzed, and his subordinates suddenly changed their faces.

"Is the wine good?"

Vincent had expected a smile.

"You poisoned the wine?"

Angu looks at Vincent angrily. He thinks it's his carefully arranged situation. Unexpectedly, Vincent takes advantage of it!

"Everyone, what are you doing in a daze

Vincent didn't want to talk nonsense with Angu, and said faintly to the people behind him.

As soon as we saw Gordon, we had no scruples. We gradually narrowed the encirclement and prepared for a big fight. At this time, the most unexpected scene happened.


With the sound of a gun, Vincent subconsciously covers sichen's eyes. People are shocked to see Gordon's chest blossom and fall to the ground like a stake.

Gordon died in this way, and the person who killed him was... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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