He had found the answer and would never have to make such a low-level mistake again.

Seeing this, Zhan Ying and ye Kan are surprised to open their mouths, and their chins are about to fall out.

Is this still the emperor Huo Mingche who makes the whole imperial capital scared and can kill people with his aura?

Who is the man standing in front of the girl, obedient like a big cat?

What is love in the world? It's one thing falling one thing...

"I'll forgive you reluctantly."

Gu jiuci didn't expect that the great demon king should admit his mistake so simply that he couldn't find any other mistakes, so he didn't hold on.

After she vented her anger, she remembered how reckless she had been just now. She was a little scared, so she changed the topic casually.

"Why don't you come out of the VIP channel and make me run a big lap."

"No attention."

Because he was too anxious to see her, he was so desperate to find a way out. He would never tell the truth that his fame was damaged by Huo Shao I.

Huo Mingche careless answer, while quietly holding the girl's hand, two people walk side by side.

Behind them, ye Kan felt that countless slaps were slapped on his face, and the cold ice rain was blowing on his face.

Zhan Ying patted Ye Kan on the shoulder like a man, and comforted him with experience.

"It's good to get used to it. If you eat too much dog food, it will smell good..."

"go to your uncle! I'm going to kick the dog over! "

Back in Huangju, aunt Ming had already prepared a rich lunch.

"Come! Boston prawn

Aunt Ming carries a large portion of prawns, and Gu jiuci purses her mouth deliberately.

"Aunt Ming, you are partial! As soon as brother Che comes back, you'll make delicious food

"I don't have any partiality. This is what Huo Shao specially ordered to do for you."

Looking at the two people are getting along so harmoniously now, aunt Ming smiles.

Gu jiuci spat out his tongue in embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I misunderstood aunt Ming."

"What's the matter? As long as you two live a stable life in the future, aunt Ming will make you a big meal every day!"

As the housekeeper of the Huo family, aunt Ming almost watched the great devil grow up and naturally expected him to have a happy family.

How could she not be happy with the sight now in front of her?

"Too thin. Eat more."

The man slightly opened his lips, skillfully peeled a prawn and put it in her bowl. His eyes always fell on her face and never moved away.

Gu jiuci was not polite. He picked up the prawns and began to eat them. Just after eating one, another came out of the bowl.

So one fed, another kept eating like a hamster, and had a good lunch time.

After dinner, Huo Mingche went upstairs to the study to deal with the overstocked documents these days. Gu jiuci was humming and preparing to exercise. Suddenly, she remembered something!

"No! How can I forget this matter? "

Gu jiuci exclaimed in surprise, and quickly stepped on his slippers and rushed upstairs to the study.

She remembers that the great devil not only has a habit of cleanliness, but also has a serious obsessive-compulsive disorder, so his things have a prescribed location, and no one is allowed to disturb them.

Even if it was myself, it was just a special area in his office for her to use.

In his previous life, he deliberately messed up his things and made him angry.

It's so important for her to have a good time! It seems that she took a piece of paper to make a draft yesterday...

the more she thought about it, the more flustered Gu jiuci felt. However, as soon as she opened the door, it was already late...

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