Ever since she and Huo Mingche entered the secret passage, they always felt that there was a pair of eyes following them, but when she looked back, she didn't see anything.

"David, do you know what your flaws are?"

"What is it?"

The count frowned. He was a man who loved perfection. His plan should not be wrong.

"It's a wireless signal!"

Gu jiuci gave a sneer. When they got to the second room, their torches were exhausted and they had to take out their mobile phones to light them up. At this time, she suddenly saw that the mobile phones flashed quickly and there was a sign of signal.

Her mobile phone was specially modified and customized by her second brother. As long as there is a faint signal of digital products, she can capture it, which makes her more confident that there must be some monitoring nearby.

Sure enough, when she arrived at the last stone room, she finally captured the mini UAV.

As the second hacker in the world, only one minute is enough for her to decipher the code, find David's location, and block all their signals.

"Now, we have contacted the local police, David. This time, you have no place to escape."

Gu jiuci coolly sums up his speech for this evil man.

After so many years of tossing, have you finally come to the end?

"Is it?"

Gu nine words finish saying, the man in front of unexpectedly a little also not panic, on the contrary indifferent smile voice.

"Huo Mingche, when we meet for the first time in this capacity, I feel it necessary for me to give you and your wife a gift."

"What tricks do you want to do?"

Gu nine words immediately vigilant block in front of Huo Mingche.

"Don't be so nervous. It's just a little video."

David showed a strange smile and a light face to the housekeeper.

The housekeeper took out the remote control and immediately played a video on the screen in front of him.

The place is Huo's old house. A group of people in black rushed in and opened the door of the hall.

"Who are you! What are you doing? "

Unfortunately, grandfather Huo and four members of Huo Zheng's family are all together.

"Well! Those who want your lives! "

In the picture, the man in black sneered, and the man in black immediately tied them up, even tied them with time bombs!

The picture stops here. Gu jiuci's face turns white, and he can't even stand.

"Little nine!"

Huo Mingche frowned fiercely and held her waist in a hurry. The next second, his cold eyes shot at David.

"It seems you don't want to live!"

"Yes, how do you know?"

David shrugged and unexpectedly took out a gun... And threw it directly in front of Huo Mingche!


the housekeeper and Gu jiuci were all shocked.

"Ho Ming Che, let's play a game. Now the choice is in your hands, you kill me, everything is over, from now on you only have peace and beauty.

Well, isn't it a good deal? "

David stares at Huo Mingche with interest. He is not afraid of death at all. On the contrary, he shows an expression of enjoyment.

"Master, are you crazy?"

Even the housekeeper showed a puzzled face!

What is David doing this for?

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