Huo Mingche opened his lips lightly. In fact, he didn't pay special attention to the ancient treasure.

Because he has the most important treasure in the world.

The sun is just right. He looks at the gentle and beautiful woman beside him, subconsciously hooking his lips.

A week later, Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche return to China. The Hawaii case and the shipwreck case need to be closed. The couple come to Guoan to close the case.

In the conference room,

red sister solemnly gives another box to Gu jiuci.

"We have found the fugitive in southern Europe, and the International Court of justice has sentenced her to death. Now we can finally announce that all the murderers who murdered your mother have been arrested! "

"Thank you

Gu jiuci sniffed bitterly. When the day came, her heart was full of mixed feelings. There was only one thank you in a thousand words.

"It's a pity that all three of Audrey's children have absconded. Maybe it's not over yet."

Red sister sighed, but Gu jiuci was not so pessimistic.

"Never mind, justice will always be done, and I will not let them go!"

"Well! This is the meaning of the existence of our Ministry of national security! "

Red elder sister nodded approvingly and agreed seriously.

"And then the case of the count of terror."

"Count of terror?"

Hearing these four words, Gu jiuci felt confused for a while and felt a little strange.

"It's Tom David. According to the evidence of our later merger, it turned out that Gordon was also the one who made the explosion and rescued him from prison.

Later, he used the game between Gordon and Vincent to slowly consume Gordon's strength and replace him. "

Red sister simple explanation, one side of Vincent immediately added.

"In fact, Gordon's strength gradually grew by mastering the secrets of the powerful people in various countries. Although I have destroyed the secret chip, Gordon still has a backup in his son's hands.

Now this son has fallen into the hands of Tom David, who inherited Gordon's things and has become a more terrifying existence than Gordon. "

"He played such a deep game of chess behind his back. This man is just a pervert!"

Gu jiuci said angrily.

"Yes, he is a born criminal. The wealth of Tom's family can no longer meet his needs."

Speaking of this, red sister turned on a projector, which played a video.

As soon as the picture appears, it's Tom and David's weird face.

"Good afternoon, friends. I want to introduce myself ceremoniously. I, count terror, will be a nightmare for all of you. From today on, I want each of you to live in uneasiness and fear... Please look forward to it. "

In the strange music, the voice of the count of terror is like the letter of a poisonous snake, gloomy and cold.

"What a psycho!"

Gu Qijue, the second elder brother, cursed.

"The count of terror has become the number one international terrorist. Now all countries have united to share information about the count of terror, and this person will be arrested."


Gu jiuci nods hard. At this time, red sister puts away all the documents and looks at Huo Mingche and Gu jiuci.

"Well, your two cases have come to an end. Huo Mingche and Gu jiuci, thank you for your full cooperation in the past six years. According to the internal regulations of Guoan, you can...

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