"Well, we'll be right there."

Gu jiuci and the demon king look at each other. They give Huo Zheng some words in a hurry. They immediately leave the building of the youth secret service department and head for conference room 1.

By the time they arrived, there were already many people in the conference room. Jiuche and his wife found a corner to sit down.

Red sister opened the PPT and began to introduce the event.

"Recently, the whole world is being invaded by an infectious virus. In response to this virus, Professor Zhong Shan, a famous professor of biology and respiration in our country, and his wife, Professor Liu Qing, led the team to develop a highly targeted vaccine."

"Yes? That's great

As soon as I heard that the vaccine had been developed, everyone present was very happy, but red sister frowned.

"Don't be happy too soon. This batch of vaccines have been developed and haven't gone through clinical trials."

"It doesn't matter. We have great confidence in this vaccine. Mr. and Mrs. Zhongshan are the gods in our minds."

One of the agents started blowing mindlessly.

"That's what I'm talking about."

Red sister's voice sank down, Gu nine words and Huo Ming Che looked at each other, also feel uneasy.

After the incident of count Tom last time, red sister has been promoted to deputy director of national security. In general security incidents, red sister is no longer involved.

Therefore, all the events in which Hong Jie participated must be very serious.

Sure enough, the next red sister meaningful opening.

"This batch of vaccines to be tested were suddenly stolen yesterday afternoon."


The crowd was in an uproar, and Gu jiuci also felt incredible, because the Zhongshan couple's laboratory is the top laboratory in the country, and the security force is also the top in the country.

In particular, the person who designed the security system was a colleague Gu jiuci knew, and she was very sure of each other's ability.

"How could that be?"

Even Gu jiuci opened his mouth wide.

"I went to investigate the scene early this morning. The person who stole the vaccine should be a large organization. The modus operandi were neat and even heinous."

"What do they want to do when they steal this batch of vaccines?"

"Could count Tom's men have done it?"

"Or the Nordic nine headed bird?"

Everyone speculated about various terrorist organizations, but Hongjie shook her head in embarrassment.

"I'm not sure about the details. It's just that some news claims that this batch of vaccines is likely to be brought to Africa. At present, we don't know who the opponent is or what the purpose of the opponent is.

So the State Security Administration decided to...

speaking of this, red sister's expression is more serious, and everyone's expression is more serious at any time.

"Guoan will send out all the first-class agents to investigate this matter at all costs, and now the task falls on everyone here.

From now on, take this matter as the most important thing in your hands, and report it to me as soon as you have any news. "

"I understand!"

Everyone responded and took it seriously.

Gu jiuci immediately wants to call sichen and cancel the performance. Unexpectedly, Hongjie comes to her.

"Ah Ci, don't cancel your trip to Queenstown, New Zealand this time."

"Ah? Why is that? "

Red sister said so, let Gu nine words hundred think of its solution.

"Because compared with other agents, I have a special task for you....

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