After gently "educating" his son, Gu jiuci did not forget to give him another praise of love.

"If you think it's easy to use, keep it as... A birthday present."

The baby with facial paralysis quickly outlined the corners of her mouth, and then recovered her facial paralysis expression.

"By the way, why are you here?"

Gu jiuci looks at his son suspiciously.

"Not only him, but also us, aunt ~"

Huo Zheng didn't answer, and several lovely children came out.

"We are going to the United States to participate in the training soon. This time, ah Zheng said," take a detour here to see you. "

As soon as his nephew Yuanyuan finished, Gu jiuci immediately recognized something wrong.

Why do you come to say goodbye to her when you attend a training? Do you?

"Are you going to be long this time?"

Ask Gu Jiu immediately.

"At least a year."

"What? Then I can't see you for a year? "

Gu jiuci's heart immediately began to give up.

"So I've come to see you."

Huo Zheng comforts Gu jiuci with the appearance of a little adult.

Finally, Gu jiuci still had to hold his baby son and cry a lot.

After the celebration banquet, jiuche and his wife sent their son on the plane to leave, and then they were ready to return to the program group.

At nine o'clock in the evening, they arrived at the villa of the program group. As soon as Gu jiuci opened the door, the whole dark villa lit up immediately!

Countless colorful fireworks exploded in the air.

"Welcome back!"

Si Chenfei rushed over and gave Gu jiuci a big hug.


"Well! Do you know how worried you are! It's good for you two to pretend to be dead. "

"No way. We didn't have a chance to contact you at that time."

Gu jiuci sorry mouth, the scene staff is too much, she can't say too much for confidentiality.

Before, red sister helped them make up an excuse, that is, the local residents saved them, and then they were recovering, so they were in a coma for a long time, and contacted everyone as soon as they woke up.

Most of the people in the program group believe this. After all, they have not been exposed to the dark world of gunfire.

However, some people do not believe Gu jiuci's words.

Gu jiuci hugged everyone one by one, and many people cried happily.

"That's great. There's no accident in our program. We can go on again!"

The director group of the program group was almost in tears.

"I'm sorry, director. I've put too much pressure on you."

Gu jiuci clapped the director's shoulder meaningfully. He felt sorry and decided to give the whole program a raise when he went back.

Because it was too late, we all went to sleep after eating the cake.

Before leaving, Du Fanghua and Fei Ming come over.

"Mr. and Mrs. Smith, what have you been through these two days?"

"Yes, tell us about it. We promise we won't let it out!"

These two people become smart. If they don't see the clue of the events on the plane, then combined with this news event, fools can see the clue.

Gu jiuci and Huo Mingche look at each other, leaving the couple a mysterious smile.

"It's a world you don't want to set foot in. It's better not to know."

"But we just want to hear it. We promise to keep it secret!"

At this time, Huo Mingche opened his mouth in seclusion , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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