

Before the fist fell on Gu jiuci, the young man himself fell on the ground with a parabola and spat out blood.

He looked at the man in front of him in horror and cried out in panic.

"Who are you and why do you attack me?"

At this time, Huo Mingche exudes a kind of bloodthirsty terror. He walks towards the young man step by step, as if he is executing his death penalty.

"Damn you!"

The man opened his lips slowly, and his low voice was like Satan's whisper, which scared those people to kneel down and beg for mercy.

"We're wrong. Please, let us go. We're just doing what all white people are doing!"

"Yes? Bullying old people and women, treating the weak in this way, is what you should do! "

Gu jiuci looked at them coldly.

"But they are Asians, they occupy our living space!"

The white men quibbled.

"Yes? They live in this land reasonably and legally! What qualifications do you have for violence? "

Gu jiuci asked coldly.

The white people were dazed and confused.

"Our president told us that it's you Chinese who make our country hard!"


Gu jiuci didn't get angry, but laughed and went back in the clearest English.

"It's you who really destroy you. It's your selfishness. For a bandit nation like you, I think this ending is also suitable for you!"

This time, Gu jiuci didn't stop the demon king. Instead of striving to make the world better, these young people enjoyed bullying the weak.

The hope of a country depends on its young people, and she seems to have seen the future of the United States.

Huo Mingche's eyes were cold, and gradually he had no feelings. He went to the young man and raised his feet.

At this time, there was a sound nearby.

"Brother, at least this is the land of the United States, you should give me a face."

Nine Che couple smell speech slant head, then see gram to carry cigarette to come over.

Behind him, a police car came, and several police officers quickly put the American young people on the car.

Gu jiuci gives Graham a white look and turns to help the old Chinese grandmother.

"What's your family's telephone number, please? I'll contact them to pick you up."

The grandmother with the mask looks at Gu jiuci gratefully and opens her mouth meaningfully.

"Thank you. Buddha will bless you, little girl."

At this time, the grandmother's family also arrived, and then the grandmother left.

"Thank you for your face. I'll treat you today. What do you think?"

"Not so much!"

Gu jiuci politely refused. Since the last mission in Hawaii, she has always felt that gram was a bit strange.

"Come on, no matter how the two countries develop, I don't think it will affect our friendship. People always have to plan for themselves."

Graeme came over with a smile and tried to pat Gu jiuci on the shoulder. Huo Mingche stood up from the side and stopped Graeme condescensively.

"Who allowed you to touch her?"

"Well... I'm so sorry."

Gramm apologizes and withdraws his hand. At this time, Gu jiuci notices that there seems to be a tattoo on the back of gramm's n hand.

The pattern of that tattoo is very familiar. It seems that I've seen it somewhere...

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