But his son didn't eat this, and he didn't have another expression: "talk well! Huo Mingche can't say that. Come on, what's up? "

"Smelly boy, I don't want to miss you. I'm not glad you miss you!" After the roar, I heard "brother Che, look at your son, he bullied me!"

This set is useful for Huo Mingche, but not for Huo Zheng, "if you have something to say, or I'll hang up!"

"Oh, boy, don't hang up! I said, I said not yet! How old are you? You don't fall in love. When can I see my daughter-in-law? Your grandmother has told me many times that she wants to hold her great grandson as soon as possible... "

"If that's all you have to say, I don't think we need to talk. I'll take care of my private affairs myself. "

All of a sudden, this caused Gu jiuci to nag and complain. He couldn't stop: "you can solve it yourself, you can solve it yourself. How long has it been? I haven't seen anything from you.

Your uncle Wen's family is elegant, gentle and generous. You say it's so much younger than you. You just think it's your sister.

Si Qi of Si Ye's family is smart and capable. You say she has many tricks... You are not interested in each one.

Your uncle's family is sweet and lovely, but you think people are stupid and don't like it. Obviously, you don't like the sweet and lovely hexagram

"Mom, if you just want to nag me today, I don't think we need to talk any more." Gu jiuci nagged for a long time, but it was obvious that Huo Zheng didn't listen to a word.

His son knew that. Gu jiuci sighed, "OK, don't say that. Don't worry about those you don't like. My mother told you that we Huo family don't need business marriage. You can find someone you really like.

My mother called you this time to introduce a special girl to you. My mother believes that as long as you get along with her, you will like her. "

"No, Ma. I don't want to waste my energy dealing with those idiots. " Then he added in his mind: I will find someone who can walk with me.

"A mother knows her child best. This girl is different. Even if you don't like it, see you. I will send the contact information to your wechat later.

By the way, don't try to fool me. Your uncle Zhan has already returned to 49 cities. You'll meet him in Huangju tonight. " Gu jiuci gave an ultimatum and hung up with a bang.

Huo Zheng looked at the darkened mobile phone screen, thought that he had been waiting for his uncle Zhan in Huangju, sighed, and had some helplessness.

If you want to say who he is a little bit afraid of in this world, it may be Zhan Ying, even his grandparents, parents have no share.

He grew up under Zhan Ying's care. His loving parents often disappear for a while. They either go to their world for a holiday or go on a mission.

Zhan Ying never beat or scolded him. On the contrary, he respected him very much. Just like his half mother, he took care of him in every way. Even so far, he is still single.

Because of this, even he, who has always been cold hearted, has a rare sense of kinship towards Zhan Ying, and he has special respect for him.

Just as Zhan Ying knows him very well, he also knows him very well. What Zhan Ying wants to do is full of patience and energy consumption.

Huo Zheng shook his head and said in his heart: forget it, let's go to Mensa first, and let's wait until we see Uncle Zhan in the evening.

Mensa high IQ club is located in more than 100 countries around the world. It can be regarded as a concentration camp for IQ talents. Although the entry threshold is slightly different in different countries, the lowest IQ is above 140. The entry threshold of huaguomensa high IQ club is more than 150 points. Only the real top talents can become members.

Huo Zheng is one of the members of huaguomensa high intelligence club, and his great uncle and cousin Gu Sinian are also one of them.

At the moment, Huo Zheng is standing in front of the solution wall of Mensa high IQ club. He was holding a piece of his problem-solving paper in his hand, frowning and looking at a problem-solving paper pasted on it.

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