Qi Zhechen looked at Tuan Tuan and thought about it. He thought there should be no problem, but he still gave an advice“ OK, I'll turn on the computer for you. You can play by yourself. But brother Zhechen's computer is full of work data. When using it, you should be careful not to move those files! Otherwise, in case of loss, Zhechen will have to work overtime, can't play with Tuan Tuan, and will be scolded by your brother Zheng! " Speaking of the latter, he pretended to be pathetic. Looking at the laptop opened by Qi Zhechen, Tuan Tuan's heart was full of joy, but he still sold cute: "don't worry, brother Zhechen! I'll play a little game, and I promise I won't move the rest! " Qi Zhechen looked at the clever promise of Tuan Tuan, this just relieved of the company. For the sake of caution, Tuan Tuan ran to the window and watched Qi Zhechen's car go away from the company gate. On Qi Zhechen's computer desktop, on a note called boss's work schedule, Tuan Tuan found Huo Zheng's schedule easily. She copies a copy and sends it to Wenya directly. She is also rare smart once, but also to delete their own operation records Wenya has received emails from several small partners one after another, but the messages from Gu Sinian, ye Yi and Si Qi, many of which coincide with her own known information, and the valuable ones are not many. The information provided by Gu Sinian is relatively personal. It's basically his understanding of Huo Zheng's competitiveness. There are also some small shortcomings and bad habits of Huo Zheng that he thinks he has. What's more, a small part of it is confidential, which he can't say. It says that every Tuesday and Thursday at 2-4 p.m., non special circumstances are in confidential operations, it can not be said. What ye Yi and Siqi sent is basically the itinerary of business, but they are not complete and clear time lines. She carefully sorted it out, but still felt that it was not enough. She was worried, so she received an email from Tuan Tuan in her mailbox. When she opened Tuan Tuan's file and saw the "boss's work schedule", she was very surprised. There is a complete itinerary list of Huo Zheng on it. Except for 2-4 p.m. and private time on Tuesdays and Thursdays, almost all itineraries are reflected. It's just that the itinerary is arranged on a monthly basis, and this month is nearly the middle of the month. In the days that have passed in the first half of the year, many of the itineraries have been crossed out and revised. Obviously, brother Zheng is not a step-by-step person. He may adjust his schedule at any time. But even if there is an occasional adjustment in the following itinerary, the rest is enough for Ruoyu to make use of. She has to arrange it quickly and send it to Ruoyu. According to this itinerary, Ruoyu can only act in the remaining half a month While Wenya is busy gathering information, Yang Ruoyu is not idle. She is searching the Internet for "how to attract a man's attention?"“ How can a man take the initiative to meet you“ How can a man with high intelligence quotient who I don't know at present take the initiative to pursue you There are hundreds of suggestions. For example, there are suggestions from the perspective of thinking and action: the first step is observation, the second step is analysis, the third step is action, the fourth step is to control emotions, and each step has an explanation, why to do so. While brushing, Yang Ruoyu is also thinking about whether it is suitable for him and making notes in combination with the actual situation. This she wrote down to control the mood, she has the elegant this God assists, the first two steps basic may neglect. It's OK to start from the third step directly. However, there is no detailed process of action in this proposal, so it can be ignored. The reason why she wrote down to control her emotions is that she really has to keep her emotions in the process of action. Of course, she completely ignored the original intention of others' suggestions: to control emotions and maintain an independent personality. Do not just a success, the other side a little bit of a show of affection, just like a dog gnawing bones, cats see mice on the pole to lick up. www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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