Hearing the word "parents", the shadow in Lin Luo's eyes flashed by, but he still said with a smile: "grandma, I'm flattered. I live in a garden apartment not far from here. I'm a painter. Today I came out to find inspiration. I happened to come here and see you fall down. "“ Ouch, the little girl is still a painter. Art is very good. You still look so beautiful. In the future, your parents don't have to worry about it. The suitors can't break the threshold of your house! " Aunt Ming joked with a smile on her face. Lin Luo also a pair of shy Jiao rubbed a: "Oh, grandma, don't tease others, they are still small!"“ Ha ha ha... OK, I won't tease you! Since you are not busy, go back with grandma, and grandma will make delicious food for you! " Obviously, Lin Luo's behavior won aunt Ming's favor“ That's funny. Grandma just fell down. I can't bear you to be tired. I helped my grandmother deliver it to her family, and then I went back first. Next time I'm going to visit you, grandma, will you show me your hand again? " Lin Luo knows how to grasp the size very well, has a certain degree of advance and retreat, and cares about it in place. Once these words are said, aunt Ming has no reason to say no“ All right, all right, you girl! Go to my house first. Next time you must come to see grandma. Otherwise, grandma won't do it. Grandma will make you the best food. "“ OK, grandma, I'll help you. Is your family going this way? " Lin Luo holds aunt Ming and nods ahead to confirm“ Yes, that's the way. Go all the way to the end and you'll be there. " Aunt Ming nodded to confirm. Lin Luo thinks about it and goes all the way to the end. Isn't it Huangju? Is it really easy to get them all? I thought, but Lin Luo didn't show it on his face. He asked, "aunt, is that the biggest and most beautiful villa in front of me?"“ Er, yes... Yes! " Aunt Ming was stunned when she heard the speech. However, she looked at each other with clear eyes and frank face, thinking that she was thinking too much. It's just a casual question“ It turns out that grandma's house is so beautiful! When I passed by there before, I still thought that if I had the chance to sketch from life here, I would draw a few pictures as souvenirs! It's a pity not to paint such a beautiful scenery! Grandma, I didn't bring a brush with me this time. Next time I come to see you, may I have the honor of sketching in your home? " When Lin Luo said that, his eyes were shining, a moment of surprise, a moment of regret, and then he stared at Aunt Ming with expectation. It's like a young painter who can't stay when he meets the beautiful scenery. He suddenly has hope, that kind of shining appearance. Aunt Ming couldn't bear to refuse, but thinking of Huo Zheng's character, she said: "well, you come here to play, grandma is welcome. But for sketching, I need to ask my young master. My young master, if you don't mind, you can“ Huh? Grandma, your grandson is so... Well, please don't mind. Is your grandson so bad? You have something to ask for his instructions? " Lin Luo looks at Aunt Ming, pretending to be puzzled and asks. Aunt Ming quickly explained: "Er, girl, you misunderstood me! My young master is not my grandson. In fact, I'm just a servant. My wife is kind-hearted and always treats me as a relative. When I get old, she also provides for me. Madam, they are not at home. The young master has no one close to take care of them. I'll just come and cook for my young master as much as I can“ Oh, I see. It's my misunderstanding, grandma. Don't mind! It's also grandma. You are blessed to meet such a kind-hearted lady and young master. " Lin Luo said the word "Xin Shan", which obviously accentuated the tone, but aunt Ming obviously didn't notice“ Yes! The greatest blessing of my life is to meet them! I don't have to worry about it in my life. I hope my young master can get married and have children safely and happily for a lifetime! "“ Well, it will. Children and grandchildren have their own happiness. Don't worry, you“ Yes,... " www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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