Going back to ponder for a night, Yang Ruoyu decided to act according to the original plan.

She went to Mensa club at noon on another Tuesday and put up some difficult questions.

At the same time, she also attached her own answers to all the new questions on the answer wall of the club this week.

And every answer sheet on the signature, she specially deepened his name.

After finishing Mensa's work, she drove to Huo Zheng's favorite cake shop called "Digital Simulator".


Huo Zheng as usual busy Guoan side of things, came to Mensa club in front of the wall, once again stunned.

Because he found that all the problems on the wall have been solved, and he looked at the solution ideas, which are basically the best ideas.

And the people who solve these problems are almost the same - Yang Ruoyu.

He had to tear up the answer sheet in his hand and throw it into the trash again.

He wanted to look at some new questions this week, but he found that almost all the new questions were answered by the man named Yang Ruoyu.

Why almost? Because the remaining unanswered questions are either too difficult to arouse his interest, or the author is Yang Ruoyu.

This Yang Ruoyu is really arrogant! This is a bold name. Is it challenging everyone in the club?

Looking at the name of Yang Ruoyu, Huo Zheng was stunned for a long time, "can it be the same person? Or do they just happen to have the same name? "

Is there really such a coincidence? Huo Zheng flashed in his mind the scene of Yang Ruoyu looking at him from the computer screen in the corner of the KTV room that day.

Why do you think of her again. Huo Zheng shook his head gently, as if he could shake his head and throw out Yang Ruoyu's figure in his mind.

He shook his head and rubbed his temples, leaving Yang Ruoyu behind for the time being.

But his hand is very honest, all Yang Ruoyu's questions are led down.

It's very easy for them to get the questions. As long as they click on the corresponding questions, they will be selected. All the selected questions will enter a machine in front of the answer wall, and click Print to print out the questions. Printed out of the paper, will also bring their own China Gate SA high intelligence Club watermark mark.

The same answer is as like as two peas, and the answer is automatically recorded, and the same style, handwriting and signature are kept with the paper.


As usual, Huo Zheng drove from Mensa club to the "Digital Simulator" cake shop.

As soon as he entered the door, he felt that the atmosphere today was different from usual.

I saw the area where the cake shop played games. Today, I don't know why there are many people around.

Huo Zheng frowned unconsciously. He didn't like noisy occasions with too many people.

The digital analog machine business has always been in short supply. However, due to limited sales, the daily life of the store is very quiet, and the difficulty of the game area is very high. Except for a few new customers who take chances, there are only a lot of talents with excellent intelligence who will challenge from time to time.

Today, however, the number of personnel has increased several times.

Huo Zheng's curiosity is not so heavy. If it is not necessary, he has always been unhappy with the crowded environment. So he turned around and was ready to leave and come back next time.

Just then, the little sister of the cake shop called him, "Mr. Huo, here you are!"

"Well," since he was stopped, Huo Zheng fortunately did not leave, "as usual."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Huo. You may not be able to do as usual today." The clerk bowed her apologies.

Huo Zheng took a look at the game area. He was thoughtful and didn't ask much. He turned to leave.

The shop assistant's younger sister hurried forward and politely kept him, "Mr. Huo, please stay first!"

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