"Will Mr. Huo's number be larger than Miss Yang's?"

"How many numbers will Mr. Huo draw?"

The audience, who are surrounded by the audience below, are already worried. Some people who are impatient have already yelled, "announce or not, can you hurry up! It's always tempting

The host looked at the situation and thought it was almost hanging. He began to announce: "let's see, Mr. Huo's number is 99999, which is the largest group of five digits! It seems that both of us are lucky! "

"OK, let's put 99999 in the center. Now, please keep a quiet environment and let our participants concentrate on the challenge. Two participants, each finding a number, can fill in our answer board.

There are seven groups of prime numbers on the answer board, and the number of the cross is filled in for reference only. Finally, as long as the two figures fill in the coordinates correctly within the specified time. "

The host looked at the audience and watched the audience calm down. Huo Zheng and Yang Ruoyu nodded like her.

She raised her hand to start the challenge. "I announce the challenge. The timing starts!"

After the beginning, Huo Zheng and Yang Ruoyu did not move. Huo Zheng's eyes are staring at the big screen and observing quickly, while Yang Ruoyu's eyes are closed tightly and his hands are pressing on the temple.

They didn't move for three minutes. They began to murmur in a low voice.

"Can these two really succeed?"

"I see hanging. People with a little intelligence know that standing in the middle of the big screen is the best way to observe, and eyes can be properly narrowed, which can make the focusing effect better and facilitate faster search."

"Yes, most of the people who challenged just now did the same thing. Although they didn't succeed, a few of them would have finished if they hadn't been short of time."

"What are you doing? Eye exercises? Another one said to be the number one winner here? I'm skeptical about that now. Most of us are regulars here. We all know how high the level of digital simulators is. "

"Yes, isn't that beautiful woman sure to be funny?"


There was also a small voice of opposition, drowned in it, "I see that Mr. Huo's temperament is not that kind of person. Every genius has his own strange temper. Maybe it's just in different ways. "

But none of these voices is optimistic about Yang Ruoyu.

In the murmur of a group of people, the host looked at the two people who kept the same action for three minutes on the stage, and they were a little worried.

Just as he was thinking about how to adjust the atmosphere, Huo Zheng and Yang Ruoyu almost moved at the same time.

Yang Ruoyu went directly to the middle of the following discussion and began to find out. If anyone noticed, she would find that her hands on both sides were just like dialing the keyboard, but they moved very quickly.

This is her habitual action in fast calculation.

Huo Zheng didn't come to the center, but went directly to the lower right corner.

After a while, he went back and wrote three numbers at a time on the answer board: 335337060713931.

Looking at the three numbers he wrote down, he showed a smile of evil spirit, but it just flashed away: interesting, they were palindromic prime numbers. So are the remaining seven palindromic prime numbers? If so, it's much easier. He has to verify it.

Huo Zheng came to the left again and looked at the upper left corner. Obviously, when he quickly looked at the big screen just now, he already had a general target area.

Huo Zheng has found three numbers, while Yang Ruoyu has not found a set of numbers. She is still looking for them.

The onlookers have been convinced of Huo Zheng's strength. The person who questioned Huo Zheng just now turned into a supporter after being slapped in the face quickly.

Now everyone is guessing how long it will take Huo Zheng to finish the challenge. It seems that no one thinks that Huo Zheng will fail in the challenge.

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