"Zhengzheng, because of this, aunt Hong hopes you can accept the invitation and get the final qualification. One is to win the gold medal for China's Mensa and get the preferential resources. The second is to investigate this matter secretly and find out the black hand behind it.

We also secretly arranged a group of people including your parents to protect you.

But as a contestant is the most direct, more convenient to investigate.

Frankly speaking, this competition is dangerous. Aunt Hong will not force you, nor will she force you. But aunt Hong wants you to promise that the country needs you now. " Although red aunt very much hope Huo Zheng can promise, but also frankly the cause and effect and danger.

"Does the other contestants know about it?"

"To avoid causing panic, the two parties involved in the accident were in secret treatment. At that time, we claimed that it was the players who ate the wrong food and got food poisoning. Other contestants only knew that they were sent to the hospital for treatment, and they were never contacted again. At that time, they just thought that they were unlucky, and they didn't think much about it.

But afterwards, they haven't seen these two people for a long time. We don't know if any of them think deeply. After all, those who can represent the country are gifted people with super intelligence. They must have noticed some abnormalities, but they should not know what happened

"What I want to know is, do the other players know it's dangerous this time?"

"In order not to cause panic, no one but you knows. We will try our best to protect the safety of all participants. "

"I suggest you tell the final contestants. After all, the danger is unknown at present, and it can be reduced by taking precautions. "

Huo Zheng stopped for a few seconds and added: "they should have the right to choose."

Red aunt smell speech silent for a long time, and then said in a heavy tone: "I will propose to the above, we will carefully consider. After the final list of contestants comes out, inform the contestants of the danger. "

"I will accept the invitation and try my best to take the responsibility of captain. Huo, I will arrange my work for this period of time, and I hope aunt Hong can take care of me during my absence. "

Huo Zheng still thinks that the accident of Mensa contestant last time has something to do with the fact that his parents were drugged, so he decided to find out in person.

"Great! If you can go, aunt Hong will be relieved. You can rest assured that Aunt Hong will take care of your family affairs. " Hearing Huo Zheng's reply, aunt Hong's tone was much lighter.

"Your parents will appear as normal parents to cheer for your son. They will not follow you all the time. They will only be in the scope of parents. If you have something to do, just go to the official level supervisor. Just call Uncle Li. "



Huo Zheng goes home. Zhan Ying already knows about it and asks aunt ming to start packing for him.

"What are you going to do about the company?"

"I have arranged the specific work for Zhechen, and he will arrange it.

I originally wanted to find my uncle to help me take care of him for a period of time, but I thought that his side was also very busy, so I wanted to find him to help me take care of him for a period of time every year.

But every year I was invited as well. "

Huo Zheng looked at Zhan Ying and then said, "but Uncle Zhan already knows. I don't want to be far away. "

Huo Zheng thinks that Zhan Ying's return this time is for his blind date. "Anyway, Zhan Shu has nothing to do this time, so he has to work hard for Huo for a while."

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