"Well, well, never forget, my miss Tong. You'd better go to dinner, or it will be bad for your companion to wait too long. If you have a word, we'll talk when we come back. " Yang Ruoyu saw that it was getting late and urged him.

"It's late. If you're stupid, I'll go first. Brother Huo, goodbye Tong Lele looked at the time of the mobile phone, and it was really late. He said hello to Huo Zheng, picked up his bag and went out.

Yang Ruoyu shook his head and began to pack up his things.

"Looks like we're going to have dinner a little later today!" Yang Ruoyu raised the things in his hand and looked at Huo Zheng with a little funny.

"Never mind. I'll wait for you." Huo Zheng is still standing in place, watching Yang Ruoyu busy.

In fact, Huo Zheng's life has always been very regular. There is no special situation. He basically eats at a fixed time.

Fortunately, Yang Ruoyu didn't have a lot of things, so he finished in a moment.


Yang Ruoyu accompanied Huo Zheng to the dormitory where Huo Zheng lived alone in Building 8.

Huo Zheng had to put down his luggage first. He and Yang Ruoyu went to dinner first and then packed up when they came back.

But Yang Ruoyu thought of Huo Zheng's clumsy self-care ability, and insisted on going to dinner with him after finishing.

No way, Huo Zheng began to clean up under the supervision of Yang Ruoyu.

It has to be said that Huo Zheng's learning ability is really strong. After observing Yang Ruoyu's tidying up before, he now does his own things according to the gourd.

Yang Ruoyu looks at Huo Zheng putting the same things as himself. He also has to admire Huo Zheng's quick learning ability. She is worthy of being a gifted youth. After looking at her arrangement, she learned how to do it.

What about learning something else instead? Can he remember it? Then his memory ability and learning ability are so terrible!

No wonder they were invited to the competition. Huo Zheng: what about the other 10 contestants?

Thinking of this, even Yang Ruoyu, who has an IQ of more than 250, feels a lot of pressure.

Huo Zheng's things are much less than Yang Ruoyu's. apart from the necessary clothes, laptops and other necessary items, he didn't bring too many things.

So he packed up quickly.

According to Aunt Ming's character, it is definitely impossible to only prepare such things for him.

When Huo Zheng was on a business trip for the first time, aunt Ming gave him big bags and small bags. Did she pack three suitcases, or did she insist on taking only one suitcase with him.

Over time, aunt Ming also formed the habit of knowing what kind of luggage to prepare for him.

After packing, I'm going to have dinner. As a gentleman, Huo Zheng has to ask the lady's opinion.

"Let's go to dinner. Do you have anything to eat? "

"And you? Do you have anything to eat? " Yang Ruoyu did not answer, but asked Huo Zheng.

"I can do anything."

Seeing that Huo Zheng had no opinion, Yang Ruoyu thought he would eat everything. "Since you don't choose, let's go to the barbecue!"

Huo Zheng thought Yang Ruoyu was talking about the western style barbecue in a high-end restaurant, and nodded.

"That's the decision. I used to have a barbecue every time I was in a bad mood, and then I felt better. There's one near here. It's delicious. There's no need to drive. I'll show you the way. I'll walk over. "


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