"I met someone recently, and I would be curious about her.

When I met her several times, she always had a different face. Sometimes she was lonely and cold, sometimes she was tough and unyielding, sometimes she was smart, sometimes she was pitiful, sometimes she was kind

Because of my genetic problems, I was born with a cold temper. You know, Dr. Qi.

But when I saw her sad, I couldn't bear it. When I saw her crying, I still felt a little heartache... "Huo Zheng recalled the pictures of seeing Yang Ruoyu and told doctor Qi calmly.

Doctor Qi almost couldn't help laughing when he heard the speech, but he still insisted: "is this person you are talking about a girl?"

"How do you know?" Huo Zheng doesn't understand and looks at Dr. Qi.

"You don't care how I know, I ask you, is this girl beautiful?" Doctor Qi's heart almost choked out internal injury, but his face was silent, pretending that the doctor cared about the patient.

But Huo Zheng, who has always had a low EQ, didn't notice it. He thought about it seriously and then replied, "well, beautiful. It's just a little thin. "

"Oh, that's it!" Dr. Qi pretended to be a little difficult.

Huo Zheng was a little worried: "Dr. Qi, am I seriously ill? Is there any way to treat it? That girl, like me, is going to participate in the global Mensa top round table competition. Now she is training in Mensa headquarters in China, just like me. I feel like the more I see her, the worse it gets. What should I do? "

After thinking about it, Huo Zheng added, "well, I can't quit this competition."

"Well, you're in trouble. It's hard to say, it's hard to say, it's not hard to say, it's not hard to say. " Dr. Qi deliberately hangs Huo Zheng with words.

"Dr. Qi, please say directly, what should I do?"

"I ask you, in addition to this girl, when you face other people, or other women, will this happen?"

Huo Zheng thought about it carefully and gave a positive reply: "no, I'm the same to other people as usual. So far, only she is different."

"That's it. The root of your illness lies in this girl. If you want to cure this disease, naturally you have to start with this girl. "

When Huo Zheng heard the speech, he thought it was true.

"As for what I said is difficult to cure, it's not difficult to cure. If you want to cure the disease, you have to keep in touch with this girl. However, the more you get in touch with her, the more serious your illness is."

"What should I do?"

"It's up to you to keep this degree. First of all, you should learn to restrain yourself. In the process of getting along with each other, you should not be too active. You should learn to hide your emotions and thoughts, and you should not care about girls too obviously... Well, in a word, you should just show your emotions in the opposite direction. "

Doctor Qi quietly makes the bad, in order to avenge Huo Zheng's cry from the bed in the middle of the night. He had already understood that young master Huo was ill, and clearly he was homesick.

Of course, on the way to Huo Zheng's pursuit of love, it's harmless to throw him a few roadblocks, but he doesn't really intend to destroy Huo Zheng's love.

So he said seriously: "but on this basis, you have to keep good contact with girls. You can't really offend other girls and ignore you from now on. If you want to cure the disease, you have to know yourself and the enemy, and know more about what kind of person girls are, what they like and what they like. When we get to the next stage, we can find the right medicine to the case. "

Huo Zheng immediately realized that he should not be too close to Yang Ruoyu but be related to him.

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