"Now please fill in the classification form and choose the major categories you will participate in. In the future, several of the top experts in the eight major fields of China will come to train you every morning. There is a training room for each of the eight categories. It's on this floor. There is a doorplate on the door.

Afternoon time is a time for experiment and communication. We can exchange experience, learn from each other, and do experiments. "

With that, Wang Jue handed out the form in her hand.

After receiving the form, Yang Ruoyu didn't hesitate to check it: memory, calculation, reasoning, observation, physics and folk art.

After she finished the selection, she saw that Tong Lele was still choosing, and she had already checked: memory, calculation, observation, space and creativity.

There is the last one, she is still hesitating, finally hesitated to choose a reasoning power.

After she chose, she saw that Yang Ruoyu was looking at her and asked with a smile, "Ruoyu, have you already chosen?"

Yang Ruoyu didn't say anything, just pushed the form in front of her.

Looking at it, Tong Lele said: "memory, calculation, reasoning and observation, if we have four categories, we can work together. Why? If you are stupid, how do you choose the last folk art? You are not good at it. Do you choose any one? "

Yang Ruoyu shook his head, "no!"

"That's because no one dares to choose folk art, so if you choose it casually, maybe there are no candidates. You can still get a second place and get 2 points." Tong Lele thought he understood.

Did not expect Yang Ruoyu or shook his head, "no, then you will know."

Tong Lele's idea is exactly what many people at the scene think. Indeed, a few people think that way. After choosing the category they are good at, they choose a folk art category, trying to get the second and third place without selecting this category.

Just before and after Tong Lele finished the selection, the rest of the people at the scene basically finished. After all, they are all geniuses, and their understanding of their own abilities is very clear.

Huo Zheng over there, like Yang Ruoyu, did not hesitate to tick down memory, calculation, reasoning, observation, physics and chemistry. It is different from Yang Ruoyu only in the last category.

After the election, the figure of Yang Ruoyu appeared in his mind. In the morning, the dispute between Yang Ruoyu and Wang Ruoxue made him see a different Yang Ruoyu.

He was curious about how many faces the girl had, and how real and vivid each face was.

Thinking of what Yang Ruoyu said that he had broken off the relationship with the Yang family, he realized that he had misunderstood yesterday, not that all her relatives had passed away.

It seems that she was so sad yesterday because of this

At this time, Dr. Qi's words came back to his mind.

No, he has to restrain himself. He can't let the brain disease get worse!


Wang Jue saw that everyone had finished filling out the forms and collected them back.

"I have received your choices. We will summarize and make arrangements. Let's rest for half an hour. Then half an hour according to their own classification, planning to enter the classification training room for training.

During the week of training in Mensa headquarters, if you have any problems, you can find assistant Xiao Tang, who will be your life teacher during this period to help you solve all kinds of problems in Mensa.

He will come to this training room in the afternoon, and he will be here every day. If you have something to do, you will come to this training room to find him. "

After explaining all the matters, Wang Jue left with Uncle Li. Uncle Li didn't say a word from entering to going out.

Just as they went out, Huo Zheng also went out.


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