"Are you thinking too much? She's just a little girl. Maybe her focus on painting and her rich family make her innocent and kind-hearted."

"Maybe, or maybe I'm worried too much. But I always think she's very strange, which will remind me of Lin Shujing in those years." Gu jiuci still has a trace of worry in his eyebrows, which shows how much shadow Lin Shujing brought to her in those years.

"She is totally different from Lin Shujing. Besides, if a person pretends to be perfect, he will reveal his true feelings sooner or later, just like Lin Shujing. If you don't trust people for a long time, we'll just observe more. Besides, a young man loved by Aunt Ming won't have too much intersection with us." Huo Mingche comforted when he saw his wife's worried mood.

Huo Mingche's words obviously played a role. Gu jiuci was no longer tangled with this. It's really time to come and face it directly. It's just a little girl.

"Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and Huo Zheng's favorite is the most important. Since the girl he likes can be invited to participate in the global Mensa top round table competition, it proves that other girls are also good enough. As long as there is no problem with their character, I am also happy to see their success." Gu jiuci nodded, and the topic turned to Huo Zheng again.

"Well, you're right. But this global Mensa top round table competition may not be too calm. We have to cheer up and protect our two children and these children." Huo Mingche couldn't help worrying about the danger of this mission.

"Yes, I really don't want Zheng Zheng to take this risk. What's the danger? We two old people have to bear it. Zheng Zheng has been a lot less happy than children of his age since childhood. As his mother, I just hope he can live happily."

Huo Mingche clenched Gu jiuci's hand: "Xiao jiuer, in fact, not only Zheng Zheng, but also you! I don't want any of you to have an accident. But we are husband and wife. I promised you that we will face any difficulties together. We have experienced so many setbacks and completed so many tasks. This time, we will be able to complete the task and find out the black hand behind us."

"Well, brother Che, let's work together to protect our children! And our future daughter-in-law!" Gu jiuci looked at Huo Mingche with affection.

"Xiao jiu'er..." Huo Mingche couldn't stand the look.



China Mensa Club headquarters.

On the morning of the first day of training, the classified list of training did not come out. The short training in the morning was a bit chaotic, but it was enough for 12 players to be familiar with the location of each training room.

Before the afternoon training, they were told to gather in the training room where they gathered in the morning.

When the staff arrived, a young man with a warm appearance and a pair of black framed glasses came in.

"Hi, everyone! I'm Tang Hui, your assistant during the training period. Just call me Xiao Tang." Tang Hui smiled and greeted everyone gently.

"If you need anything during the training, you can come to this training room to find me. This is my wechat, and you can add it if necessary." Tang Hui wrote down his wechat number on the blackboard.

"This is the classification you choose in the morning. You can have a look later. There is also a list of personnel who choose this classification at the door of the training room corresponding to the classification. You can choose which classification to enter for training every morning according to your own situation." Tang Hui pasted a list of forms on the blackboard.


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