It's just that others return kindness to her, and she doesn't need to say bad words to each other. When she returns with the same kindness. What's more, this is not only her alumni, but also her assistant during the Mensa training.

"I didn't expect the seniors to remember me. Thank you for your concern. It was something at home, so she was suspended for one year." in fact, it was because she suddenly got the news from her sister and went to Europe for investigation. She also encountered danger. Fortunately, she was saved by her resignation aunt. But for one reason, she certainly wouldn't tell Tang Hui that her parents didn't know about it.

"Well, primary school sister, if you need any help here, you can tell me," Tang Hui said sincerely.

"Well, thank you, senior. I will if necessary." Yang Ruoyu was polite and polite.

"By the way, primary school sister, what's your wechat? Let's add wechat to each other to facilitate future contact." Tang Hui took the initiative to ask Yang Ruoyu for contact information.

Because he found that Yang Ruoyu didn't add his wechat after he asked everyone to add his wechat in the training room just now.

Tang Hui's words, for this reason, Yang Ruoyu naturally can't refuse again. Added wechat to each other.

"The training of primary school girls has begun. Why don't you go to the training room to communicate and study with everyone, do experiments and brush questions? Why are you on the roof alone?"

Tang Hui then finished talking and went out to find a place to wait for Yang Ruoyu to come out.

So he didn't see the scene in the training room.

"Well, I just want to be quiet. Senior, I'm fine. I've calmed down. I'll go back to training." Yang Ruoyu didn't want to say too much.

Tang Hui was also interested and didn't ask the bottom of the matter.



For the next week of training, Yang Ruoyu deliberately avoided the same classified training room with Huo Zheng.

The chance to meet occasionally also passed by, taking Huo Zheng as the air.

Also let Huo Zheng's apology be delayed.

This mood seriously affected Huo Zheng and led to Dr. Qi not having a safe sleep this week.

Every night, Huo Zheng came to him on time to report.

Dr. Qi didn't expect that Huo Zheng would make things like this. Although he wanted to add some stumbling blocks to Huo Zheng's emotional Road, he didn't want such a result at all.

He gave Huo Zheng several ideas, but none of them succeeded.

One is that the apprentice's qualification is too poor to carve rotten wood. The second is that the opponent is too strong to give opportunities at all.

The result is that he has more panda eyes on his face.

"Since it originated from Gu Shao, why don't you go to find Gu Shao for help? You have to tie the bell to get rid of the bell. Let Gu Shao build a bridge for you and give you a chance to apologize." Dr. Qi gasped and paid attention listlessly.

"No! He won't help! He'll laugh at me!" unexpectedly, Huo Zheng rejected the idea.

"I said, young master Huo, you didn't even try. How can you know? Gu Shao is also your cousin."

"I just know. No!" Huo Zheng was determined. If he goes to find Gu Sinian, he will probably laugh to death.

"Do you know any friends you know each other who can give you a line and give you a chance to talk?"

The speaker has no intention and the listener has a heart.

It really reminds Huo Zheng of a person, elegant.

Thinking of this, Huo zhengteng stood up and wanted to go back.

"Hey, are you going back? Do you want to cure your brain problem?"

"She ignores me now, and there is no way to cure the disease for the time being. I will continue the treatment after I apologize and make up."

Hey, there's a play. The boy hasn't given up yet! Looking at Huo Zheng's persistent appearance. Dr. Qi felt that a medical building was right in front of him.


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