"Primary school sister, wait a minute!" Tang Hui trotted over to Yang Ruoyu and them.

"What's up, senior?" Yang Ruoyu asked, looking at Tang Hui.

"Primary school sister, this is... This is the drink I bought for you!" Tang Hui was a little nervous. He held the bottle of juice with ingredients in his hands and handed it to Yang Ruoyu.

"Thank you, senior. I'm not thirsty. If the senior doesn't have anything to do, I'll go first." Yang Ruoyu didn't reach for it.

Seeing that Yang Ruoyu refused, Tang Hui was a little worried and stretched out his hand to hold Yang Ruoyu's arm. "Primary school sister, I don't mean anything else. I just thought that you should be thirsty after a highly concentrated comparison all morning, so I bought you a bottle of juice. It just represents the concern of the students."

Yang Ruoyu earned his arm and didn't get rid of it. Fortunately, it's OK.

Before she could speak, Tong Lele on the side joked: "assistant Tang, there's really no other meaning? It's just the concern of the senior students? We also had a competition all morning. Why didn't you see senior Tang and buy us a bottle? Just one bottle for drinks? Is it too stingy?"

Yu Xinxin also followed the coax: "that is, shouldn't it be the seer's share?"

Jiang Peiyuan was a little steady in the end. He stood by and smiled. He didn't speak.

"This, this... Next time, I'll buy it all!" Tang Hui was teased and didn't know how to answer.

"Yo, it's not interesting for us if we're stupid? Look at the call of a primary school sister. What's the saying? Seniors and sisters are made for each other! Assistant Tang, how about my family if I'm stupid..." Tong Lele continued to tease.

When she said more and more outrageous things, Yang Ruoyu pulled her arm and interrupted her, "Lele! Don't talk nonsense!"

"I didn't talk nonsense, he obviously..." Tong Lele had to argue for two more words, but when he saw Yang Ruoyu pulling her arm, he added some strength, implicitly shook his head at her and stopped the words behind him.

This week, Yang Ruoyu didn't know that Tang Hui took special care of her.

It is precisely because he feels Tang Hui's concern, not only the concern among alumni, but also the concern of senior students for younger students, so Yang Ruoyu pays great attention to maintaining distance and discretion.

In her mind, Tang Hui is just an alumni, a senior from the same laboratory, and has no more relationship. Since you don't have that mind, fortunately, don't give hope.

After Tang Hui's words, she couldn't refuse again. It was just a bottle of juice. She took it. But she was disturbed by Tong Lele. Now it's not good for her to take this bottle of juice or not.

The atmosphere was a little awkward. Several people were thinking about how to break the deadlock and find a step.

This scene was watched by Huo Zheng and Gu Sinian.

Gu Sinian thinks it's interesting. They haven't made up Huo Zheng and Yang Ruoyu yet. They just made an unhappy scene.

There is a future rival of Huo Zheng!

He didn't speak, he was just observing Huo Zheng.

Huo Zheng looked coldly at Tang Hui holding Yang Ruoyu's hand, as if he were going to tear it out of a hole.

When those people were embarrassed and no one knew how to speak, Huo Zheng went straight between Yang Ruoyu and Tang Hui.

"Excuse me, get out of the way and get out of the way!"

Huo Zheng said these words without expression. Without waiting for Yang Ruoyu to make way, he walked directly between them.

So Tang Hui's hand holding Yang Ruoyu's arm was knocked away!


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