Obviously, all the judges were persuaded this time. In terms of maximizing interests, it is true that Yang Ruoyu won this time, which is more conducive to the current China Mensa team.

The judge who persuaded Yang Ruoyu just now asked Yang Ruoyu carefully: "Mr. Yang, take the liberty to ask, in addition to the display of Chinese folk talents, will you still the folk talents of other countries?"

Yang Ruoyu is not feeling well at the moment. She competes with her real skills. Winning is winning and losing is losing. But at the moment, Zhou Yiyi gives in, as if Zhou Yiyi gave it to her in the first day of the game.

Although her face did not show at the moment, she was obviously not in high spirits. But she nodded and answered the expert judge's question.

"Win is win, lose is lose, what I need is a fair and just result!"

"I'm sorry I didn't consider your feelings. But I did lose this game. I was convinced and there was absolutely no element of letting. I did my best in every game, which is also the greatest respect for other players. If I could win, I would never let you." Zhou Yiyi bowed to Yang Ruoyu to apologize and explained.

"We both know that as far as this competition is concerned, I lost a little. The expert judges on the scene believe they can also distinguish between the better and the worse. They just have a little more concern for the sake of China's winning." Zhou Yiyi has the style and pattern of an artist, and she also feels a little more sympathetic to Yang Ruoyu

Zhou Yiyi's explanation also dissipated the discomfort in Yang Ruoyu's heart. "If you have a chance, you must come to the door and ask for more advice like you!"

"If you don't mind, I'd better call you Ruoyu. I always welcome you to communicate with each other and hope to have a new understanding and progress." Zhou Yiyi is very happy to hear the speech and is worthy of being an art addict.

Then she turned to Wang Jue, "president, you can announce the results!"

Wang Jue looked around. After he had no opinion, he announced: "first place, Yang Ruoyu, accumulated 3 points; second place, Zhou Yiyi, accumulated 2 points."

"Mr. Zhou, it's hard for you to come to Mensa to help in your busy schedule. This result is also that we don't think about it well. Huaguomensa owes you two people. Huaguomensa will do its best to help you in the future!" after announcing the result, Wang Jue looked at Zhou Yiyi with a little apology and promised.

Zhou Yiyi obviously didn't take it to heart, smiled and nodded: "President Wang is polite. It's my honor to meet an opponent like Ruoyu this time."

Then she waved her hand, indicating that there was no need to say more.

No one at the scene noticed that Wang Ruoxue's face under the stage was a little stretched, and his nails were almost pinched off.

When Zhou Yiyi conceded defeat just now, she almost jumped out and said I opposed it.

After Zhou Yiyi conceded defeat, it directly led to Yang Ruoyu's original wave of people who really entered the final place. If Zhou Yiyi does not admit defeat and can win this game, the one named Tong Lele will not be able to enter the competition.

This is Wang Ruoxue's final dying struggle. In this bet with Yang Ruoyu, she lost completely!



All the competitions are over, and all the players are notified to the training room where they gather to wait for the announcement of the results. Even the players who are ranked low and completely lose their opportunities need to wait together to announce the number of players of the final Chinese Mensa team and two alternative substitutes.

And just as Yang Ruoyu and others returned to the classroom to wait, the test results of Gu Sinian and Jiang Peiyuan came out.

That bottle of fruit juice was really seasoned.

It contains benzodiazepines and halothanes.

These added ingredients can cause coma and life-threatening in serious cases.

After getting the test results, Gu Sinian and Jiang Peiyuan looked at each other and understood the seriousness of the matter.

After sorting out the evidence, they quietly went to find Wang Jue and uncle li


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