Uncle Li's words have been said for this reason, and Wang Jill can't say more. He can only accept them passively.

"Then the six regular players, starting from Tong Lele, express their views in order of increasing ranking, and choose one from two. If they win the same vote, another candidate, Xia Kun, will make a decision." Li Shugan made a crisp decision.

Hearing the speech, Tong Lele stood up from his seat and gave a choice without hesitation: "I choose Liu Ji. There is no special reason, just from the perspective of harmony within the team."

After Tong Lele sat down, Gu Sinian stood up: "I also choose Liu Ji. In addition to his excellent ability as a player, Liu Ji is also a reporter, who can better track and report the moment we won. As for Miss Wang Jile, for some reasons, I have reservations about her character, so I won't choose her."

Then Yu wholeheartedly expressed his views, but gave no reason: "follow my inner choice Liu Ji."

Jiang Peiyuan stood up, took a look at each of them, especially at Wang Jill, with a trace of regret in his eyes, and then said, "can I give up my choice? If not, I'll choose Liu Ji."

After sitting down, he shook his head. Although he shouldn't be involved when he doesn't know enough about a person, his choice this time is still affected by the involvement. If it wasn't for the influence of Wang Ruoxue, alas

Next came Huo Zheng, who did not hesitate to choose: "Wang Jill. Choosing her is the best choice and maximizes interests."

Hearing the choices of the first four people, Wang Jill already knew that she had no chance. Her thighs have been pinched by Wang Ruoxue, and even many wounds began to bleed.

But she didn't expect that someone would really choose her. She turned to Huo Zheng with tears in her eyes. Unfortunately, Huo Zheng had already sat down and didn't even look at her.

Only Yang Ruoyu has not expressed his views.

Although her choice can no longer affect the final result, Uncle Li still asked each of them to express their choice fairly.

"Although we have been unhappy, and even my bet with Wang Ruoxue is still there, what I want to say is that my choice is only right for things and not for people." Yang Ruoyu saw through Wang Jill's idea early in the morning, so he looked directly at her and stressed.

"I once gave Miss Wang Jill a piece of advice: how a person depends on his own ability and self-cultivation. If he wants others to look up to him, he must first regard himself as an individual. He can look up to himself, not rely on others!

I still want to give this sentence to Miss Wang Jill.

With your own talent, you could have gone further and developed better. You don't need to rely on anyone at all! You could have become a king yourself. Why use someone else's false shell to disguise yourself as a Phoenix.

Huo Zheng is right. In terms of complementarity within the team, your observation is really unmatched and is the best choice.

If today's Wang Ji'er is just Wang Ji'er, I will choose Wang Ji'er. "Yang Ruoyu's words are meaningful and sincere.

But her words changed: "however, I chose Liu Ji today. Because you haven't done it yet, just Wang Jill himself."


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